Love consists of 5 stages but most of us have to give up at the 3rd stage

In love, most of us go astray. Love consists of 5 stages , but most of us have to give up at the 3rd stage - the most important stage to decide whether love will continue to a beautiful wedding or farewell ending in indifference and estrangement. " Maybe he / she is not the true love of his life " is the most used sentence to explain after every broken affair. [Read More]

SanDisk launched the USB-C 4TB storage drive, the world's largest capacity USB flash drive

At the CES 2019 event, SanDisk introduced a USB-C model with capacities of up to 4TB, the largest USB flash drive currently available but still compact in size with just a penny. Currently, cloud services are very developed but still cannot replace external memory types such as portable hard drives or USB. Simply because these devices are large and can be used without the Internet. The name, information, price, launch date of this device has not been announced by SanDisk. [Read More]

Set pass for Folder, set password to protect folder without software

In order to protect sensitive folders and data, there are many ways, such as hiding them in locations that are hard to find, storing in removable storage devices and storing them in a safe, with a strong password. But if you often have to access them, you will have to leave on your computer, even the most easily accessible places. Then, a more effective way to protect the directory is to set the password for the folder. [Read More]

Watch out for Chinese people moving the 30,000-ton bus stop to make way for the new train

Earlier this month, engineers in the Xiamen city of Fujian, China, successfully moved the entire main station building of the Houxi Long-distance Bus Station, a distance of 288 meters and a 90-degree rotation to make room for A new high-speed train line. The main station has five floors, including three floors above ground and two underground floors, with a construction area of ​​22,800 square meters and a total weight of more than 30,000 tons, equivalent to nearly 200 Boeing aircraft. [Read More]

Corel Draw 12: Draw the globe

Step 1 - Select the circle drawing tool ( Ellipse Tool ), draw a circle with a diameter of 10 cm by pressing Ctrl + left click and drag diagonally. Figure 1 - On the properties bar in the Object box (s) Size, type 10 cm, in the Nonproportional Scaling / Sizing box, select the lock icon (locked). Step 2: Draw meridians and latitudes - Select the circle. - Select Object - Transformations - Position : + Relative Position : select the box in the middle + Click Apply To Duplicate tab. [Read More]

Decode classic magic tricks in the world

Amazing magic tricks always attract attention not only for children but also for adults. Although we all know there are no mysterious magic in them, it is impossible to explain why magicians can do that. Here are the secrets behind the classic magic tricks in the world that one of us must also be amazed and admired. After reading this lesson, you will realize that just turning out magic is just that simple. [Read More]

Get 6 months free use of Avast Internet Security software 2018

For those who regularly shop online or bank transactions over the Internet, it is essential to protect your account against dangerous malicious code. In 2017, the whole world was shaken by the ransomware attack - the extortion code. Make users pay thousands of dollars to get back data from these hackers. To protect Avast Internet Security 2018 users from being released, while not a cap version, Avast Internet Security can still provide users with features to protect your computer from harm. [Read More]

How to adjust to cm units in Word, Excel

In Word and Excel, the default unit is Inch (In), but do not worry, we can convert their units to Centimeters for ease of use. In this article, Software Tips will guide you how to adjust to cm units in Word, Excel. I. How to convert to centimeters in Word Step 1: You proceed to start Word on the computer and select the File item . Step 2: Then, you select the Options tab to open the settings on the Word software. [Read More]

How To Budget To Afford A New Phone

However, phones are not priced like most other basic necessities. A smartphone that serves the purposes you need it for can cost a thousand dollars or more. Phone service providers offer payment plans which give you a phone along with a certain amount of call minutes and data. But if you already own a phone, you may be reluctant to add an extra expense to your budget. The problem is that this leads many people to hang onto old phones far longer than they should. [Read More]

How to delete a Google+ account still keeps Gmail account

In addition to the popular Google services that users will be using after creating a Google account such as Gmail, Youtube, you will be able to use additional networks to wash Google+. This Google+ social network supports many features such as Circles to connect contacts accounts into information sharing groups. Or Hangouts for group video chat, . So if you don't want to use Google+ and want to delete your Google+ account, does it mean that we have to delete Google accounts and Gmail accounts? [Read More]