A 125 million year old herbivorous dinosaur has been discovered

Many bones suspected of being a dinosaur called the Moabosaurus Utahensis have been found to receive the interest of international archaeologists. The issue of era as well as ancient dinosaur fossils has always been the subject of interest and discovery by archaeologists, researchers . and this is no longer a strange issue anymore. Previously, archaeologists have found a series of archaeological evidence of dinosaurs, Juras ancient antiquities and a lot of excitement. [Read More]

How to bring download status bar on Chrome into Firefox

When downloading data to a computer on Firefox browser, to be able to view the download process, you must click on the download icon in the toolbar above the browser. However, with Google Chrome browser, just follow the download status bar at the bottom of the screen is done. The status bar will automatically appear as soon as we download the data on Chrome, without having to perform a check like in Firefox. [Read More]

How to create a Google Play account on your computer

Devices using the Android operating system, when downloading applications on CH Play (Google Play Store), they must have a Google Play account. As we all know, all Google services can use your Gmail account to login, if you want to use a separate account to log into the Google Play Store, it is still possible! In this article, Software Tips will guide you how to create a Google Play account on your computer. [Read More]

How to create cover photos of generals in the League of Legends game

One of the super products even though it has been released for a long time, still attracts me a huge fan base that is League of Legends game LOL. Therefore, the applications with the direction of the game LOL are supported by many people, especially the loyal fan volume of the game super product. One of them is online photo editing application Ephoto 360. Application supports users can choose to create themed game LOL images and some other games like Overwatch, Raid. [Read More]

How to create Windows All In One installer?

Owning a USB device with the installation of many different versions of Windows will be very convenient when you can choose the right version for different computer configurations. This feature is especially useful for technical staff in charge of informatics. But how to create this USB is not everyone knows. Please refer to the instructions below of TipsMake.com. Note: Before creating a Windows AIO installer, please download Windows iso files to your computer first, but do not need to download them all, just use the original version. [Read More]

How to fix corrupted memory dump file

You don't always have a damaged memory dump file, which is very rare. The reason is simply because this condition makes your PC virtually unusable and that's why it's called the blue screen of death error. Another reason why memory dump files are damaged is not very common, such as when you have a virtual machine operating in a cluster environment on a Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2 platform, or because the option to monitor the virtual machine's heartbeat index is enabled. [Read More]

How to reduce the size of PDF files effectively

PDF is currently the most commonly used document because of its high security and can display data such as text, images, maps . or even a book or novel. hundred pages. With such large PDFs, it will be difficult when they are sent via email or uploaded online. To solve that problem, this article TipsMake.com will guide you some ways to compress and reduce the size of PDF files effectively. Please follow along. [Read More]

Recover lost data with iCare Data Recovery software

If you accidentally delete very important data or mistakenly format the drive during the operating system installation . don't worry, there are many software built to help users recover data. deleted. Among these, iCare Data Recovery software is known for its very high efficiency. To be able to use iCare Data Recovery to recover lost data, you can follow these steps: Step 1: Click here to Download the latest version of iCare Data Recovery software on the computer. [Read More]

Save the Apple Store in Saigon

Wooden table for customers to experience products, shops selling specific devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac computers. Those are the recognizable characteristics of an "Apple" shop in Saigon. Shops specializing in selling Mac items are increasing in HCMC. (Photo: Quoc Huy) . Running along the big streets like Nam Ky Khoi Nghia, Road 3/2, Vo Van Tan . it can be seen that the shops affixed the Apple logo on the streets of Saigon, especially, concentrated in the areas centers of districts 1, 3 and 10. [Read More]

The best free photo making software

Skitch is a free software provided by Evernote. You can take screenshots, create images as guide images with instruction arrows, add text, crop images, blur . You follow the article below to learn how to use the functions of Skitch to make detailed instructions. Step 1: Download the Skitch software at: https://evernote.com/skitch/, then install it on the system. Step 2: Run the Skitch program, the main interface when running the program: [Read More]