Instructions on how to fix blue screen error, cannot start when installing Microsoft patches

When Meltdown and Specter vulnerabilities appeared in Intel, AMD and ARM chips, Microsoft released a lot of updates on PC and Mobile. However, these updates make Windows 7/10 blue, unable to boot.

As follows:

Some devices using AMD chips cannot install the Windows 7 patch - KB4056894, and cause a blue screen error (BSOD): 0x000000c4, not able to fix it.

Picture 1 of Instructions on how to fix blue screen error, cannot start when installing Microsoft patches

For Windows 10 devices with AMD Athlon 64 X2 chips also affected, but Microsoft has not admitted this error.

Due to updating the patch, when a blue screen error on Windows 7 will not have a way to fix so users should not proceed with the update. Other chips are also affected, not just AMD Athlon 64 X2 chips.

If you have updated and experienced a blue screen, follow the instructions below:

First, restart the device . In this process, press F8 -> In the new window that appears Repair Repair Computer .

Open the Command prompt and enter the code below:

Order 1: dir d:

Command 2: dism / image: d: / remove-package /packagename:Package_for_RollupFix~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~7601.24002.1.4 / norestart

If you have updated Windows 7 - KB4056894 but have not restarted the computer, follow these steps to remove the update and not get errors.

Go to Control Panel -> Select Programs and Features -> Select View Installed Updates . Here, you click on the update with KB4056894 number and select Uninstall .

Error 0x800f0845, Windows 10 stuck on Windows logo screen will appear on Windows 10 devices using AMD chip updated KB4056892 patch. In addition, the patch caused some other problems related to VPN, and caused a 100% full disk phenomenon. Therefore, AMD advises users to ignore all patches sent from Microsoft to avoid the risk of chip errors and should stop updating for Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10.

See more:

  • Microsoft's patch of Meltdown and Specter makes Windows Phone unstable, causing a blue screen error on the PC
  • How to fix blue screen error 0x7B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE after updating on Windows 10
  • 5 most common Windows errors and this is a fix
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