How to create playlists for pets on Spotify

Have you ever thought that your pet would like to listen to music? If ever, your thoughts completely coincide with Spotify engineers because this online music platform has just launched the feature to create playlists (playlists) for pets to let them entertain at home when The owner is away.

By this point, many of us may think this is silly, but Spotify engineers are not 'crazy' at all. The decision to introduce a playlist for pets was made by Spotify after a research result showed that 74% of pet owners in the UK often play music for them to listen to in their free time, while 25% split Will once have seen his pet interact with the song.

Not only the playlist, the music playing platform from Sweden also launched a pet podcast, along with stories, compliments or petting for dogs.

Picture 1 of How to create playlists for pets on Spotify

Here are the steps to create a playlist for pets on Spotify:

Step 1: Visit the Pet Playlist item on Spotify.

Step 2: Choose the type of pet you are raising.

Available options include dog, cat, iguana, mouse or bird.

Step 3: Provide more information about your pet.

Let Spotify know the animal's 'personality': From shy, friendly to hyperactive . choose the feature that best suits your pet. This data will help Spotify's algorithm set the playlist that best suits the animal.

Step 4: Add names and photos for the playlist

The cover of the playlist will include your pet's name and photo, allowing you to maximize your playlist.

Step 5: Listen and share.

Let your pet experience their own music space with the newly created special playlist.

It's unclear whether music really helps pets to relax, but it's clear that this is a great gimmick for Spotify targeted at pet owners - a cute and is also worth experiencing.
