30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison, founder and president of international technology group Oracle, is one of the most interesting figures in the technology world.He is famous for his lavish lifestyle and business acumen.In other words, the people respect this billionaire because he is good at both business and spending money, with playboys who are not like anyone.Here are 30 amazing facts that you may not know about Larry Ellison:

1. Larry Ellison is currently the 10th richest person on the planet, with a net worth of $ 58.5 billion (according to Forbes).

2. Larry Ellison's real name is Lawrence Joseph Ellison was born in the Bronx district (New York) on August 17, 1944, the only son and 'result' of a reluctant affair between Mrs. Florence Spellman and a man. unknown men.Larry Ellison had years of turbulent childhood, emotional deprivation from both parents.When he was 9 months old, he was infected with pneumonia.Larry's mother sent him to Chicago to live with his aunt and uncle Lillian and Louis Ellison.The billionaire later did not see his real mother any time for nearly five decades.

Picture 1 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

3. Louis Ellison, the uncle and adoptive father of Larry Ellison, a Russian immigrant, took the name "Ellison" to commemorate the first place when he set foot in America: Ellis Island.

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  • 4. Unlike Bill Gates, Larry Page or other tech billionaires, Larry Ellison has no conditions to interact with computers early, but talent and charm with technology have led him to the road. This is a very new and complex capital.Larry Ellison first got access to a real computer while in his second year of college.

    5. Larry Ellison attended two prestigious universities, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Chicago, but eventually decided to drop out of school to move to Berkeley (California) near Silicon Valley when he played. It appears that this is the time when the technology industry is preparing to make great strides in 1966. At the same time, Larry Ellison's adoptive mother died, causing him to seriously decline.

    6. Before the adoptive mother died, Larry Ellison was honored with the science student of the year award (science student of the year) at the University of Illinois.

    Picture 2 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    7. The first company Larry Ellison co-founded in 1977, called Software Development Laboratories, with an initial investment of only $ 2,000, and $ 1,200 of which came from money. Larry's bag. Shortly after the establishment of the company, he and his partners won an important, two-year contract to build a database for the CIA. Larry Ellison and his team named this project "Oracle". After winning the first contract, Larry Ellison changed his company name to Relative Software Inc. in 1979. Three years later, he once again renamed his "devoted child" to Oracle Systems Corporation, and that is the giant technology corporation that we see today.

    8. In 1986, Oracle issued IPO shares and had $ 55 million in revenue for the year.

    9. However, in the early 1990s, Oracle was hit by a rather heavy "seal", making the company almost bankrupt.The reason is attributed to earlier, Oracle allows its salespeople to order under control, causing revenue to be unbalanced.This led to lawsuits, problems with managers, and Oracle had to give up 10% of its employees (about 400 people) because Larry Ellison thought it was "an error that cannot be forgive in business ".Meanwhile, rivals like Sybase have occupied most of Oracle's market share, causing the company to stand on the brink of collapse.

    Picture 3 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

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  • 10. As an adventurer, Larry Ellison suffered countless injuries from participating in extreme sports, including mountain biking and surfing.But he thinks that risk is an integral part of his life, not only with sports but also in business.'Adventure in sports can make you lose your life, risking business can make us lose, but the point is that if we can overcome it, the result will be very sweet.'

    11. He was nominated for the Academy of Achievement in 1997.

    12. The Lawrence J. Ellison Ambulance Care Center was opened in 1998 and is the heart of Larry Ellison.He broke his elbow in an adventure bike accident and after a period of treatment, he felt like he was inspired to launch his charitable efforts on a larger scale, and so is the billionaire who invested 5 million dollars to open Lawrence J. Ellison center.

    13. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he invited Larry Ellison to the board because the two of them were close friends.From 1997 to 2002 Larry Ellison was both Oracle's CEO and director of Apple Computer.After 5 years of work, Larry Ellison resigned from his position at Apple because he did not have enough time for board meetings at both companies.

    Picture 4 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    14. In 2000, Larry Ellison sued the city of San Jose after he was cited for alleged violations of rules surrounding take-off and landing of private aircraft at night at the International Airport. San Jose Mineta.And the result is a win for Oracle's boss.

    15. The year 2000 also saw a brief period that Larry Ellison rose to hold the richest person in the world.Larry Ellison's downloads have continued to increase, but his ranking on the list of the world's richest people has dropped significantly, falling to No. 10 with $ 58.5 billion.

    16. In 2006, Forbes declared Larry Ellison the richest person in California.

    17. By 2002, Larry Ellison had a $ 1 billion credit.In the following years, he continuously pushed his credit limit to the maximum with luxury deals including villas, yachts and luxury cars.

    Picture 5 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    18. A book published in 2003, written by investigative journalist Mike Wilson, went straight to the analysis of what made Ellison's legendary reputation.It's titled: The Difference Between God and Larry Ellison: God doesn't think he is Larry Ellison.

    19. Larry Ellison is the owner of one of the most expensive private real estate deals in US history, after he bought five Malibu Carbon Beach gold plots in 2004 for $ 65 million. la.

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  • 20. In 2012, the billionaire also decided to play big when buying an entire island of the Hawaiian Islands for 600 million dollars.The island was purchased by Larry Ellison named Lanai, belonging to the Hawaiian Islands on the Pacific Ocean, an area of ​​about 367 km2.Before leaving for Larry, Lanai Island is owned by Castle & Cooke Inc.

    Picture 6 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    21. Larry Ellison is also said to own hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate around the world, including a Rhode Island estate and historic gardens in Kyoto.

    22. Larry Ellison is also a person who likes to collect . aircraft.He owns several aircraft with his name, including private jets and two fighters, SIAI Marchetti S.211 and MiG-29 (has ceased operations).In addition, he is also a true pilot, licensed and fully trained.

    23. In 2006, Larry Ellison created a wave of protests after dismissing the commitment to donate $ 115 million to Harvard University because of the departure of the principal not long ago.

    24. From 2007 to 2009, Larry Ellison's salary is $ 50 million per year (sometimes more).However, in August 2009, his basic salary was reduced from $ 1 million to $ 1.

    Picture 7 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    25. Until 2010, Larry Ellison was the owner of the tenth largest yacht in the world, named Rising Sun.This is a motor yacht, 138m long, and costs more than 200 million USD.It owns five floors, 82 rooms, including bedrooms, jacuzzi baths, bars, gyms, spas, plasma cinemas and even basketball courts and helipads.The yacht is now owned by David Geffen, the owner of Geffen Records.

    26. In 2010, one of Larry Ellison's $ 8 million yachts was flipped over San Francisco Bay on a trip.Fortunately, no human damage has been recorded due to the fully equipped safety equipment on board.

    27. Larry Ellison married and divorced a total of four times.In it, Larry Ellison's second wife married him before Oracle was founded and they divorced shortly after Oracle launched shortly.

    28. When Larry Ellison is married to his fourth wife - romantic novelist Melanie Craft, his good friend Steve Jobs is an amateur wedding photographer.

    Picture 8 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    29. Currently Larry Ellison is rumored to date model / actor Nikita Kahn.

    30. The two are supposed to inherit the fortune left by Larry Ellison as his sons, David and Megan Ellison, and the result of a third marriage between billionaire and Barbara Boothe.Currently, David and Megan are known for their own work in Hollywood as art producers.

    31. Ellison had a role as a guest (along with another technology tycoon, Elon Musk) in the 2010 blockbuster Iron Man 2.

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  • 32. In 2011, Larry Ellison hired a "tree lawyer" (yes, you didn't see it for the first time) and took his neighbor to court for allegedly planting three redwood trees and an acacia tree to cover up. vision of his mansion.Eventually they agreed to resolve the conflict in terms of 'sentiment'.

    33. Larry Ellison is also the 128th billionaire to sign a commitment to Giving Pledge.This is a movement initiated by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to encourage the richest people in the United States to pledge to donate most of their assets to charitable activities.Besides Larry Ellison, other famous billionaires have signed this commitment: Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Warren Buffet .

    Picture 9 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    34. In addition to adventure sports, Larry Ellison has long been passionate about sailing, and in 2013, his Oracle team defeated the Emirates New Zealand team to win the American amateur rowing championship trophy.

    35. Larry Ellison resigned as Oracle's CEO in 2014, entrusting the company he built from early days to two colleagues he felt was the most reliable Hurd and Katz.Currently, Larry Ellison only holds two positions as executive chairman and CTO of Oracle.

    36. Larry Ellison tried but failed to buy two NBA teams, New Orleans Hornets and Golden Gate Warriors.Although not owning a professional basketball team, but the billionaire still built a modern basketball court called Oracle.

    Picture 10 of 30+ interesting facts about 'Godfather' technology village Larry Ellison

    In addition to his innate technological and business talents, Larry Ellison is also a brave, energetic billionaire who never surrenders to fate, and is a generous man with a heart of humanity. post.Wishing Larry Ellison and Oracle will be even more successful in this 2019.

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