Marvel could buy rival DC Comics

Since the heyday of comic books of the fifties of the last century, DC and Marvel have been the enemy forever for decades. Thanks to the development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it's clear that Marvel's artistic and commercial development is huge - but does this mean they can end the war between them and DC? by . buying off rival companies?

Picture 1 of Rumor: Marvel could buy rival DC Comics

A battle that never stopped for decades.

Last week, Dan DiDio resigned as co-producer for DC Comics after 10 years of work. According to sources, his dismissal is a minor part of AT & T's restructuring. According to leaked reports, AT&T's restructuring plan will include the sale of DC Comics - in order to get out of publishing comic book publications and invite Marvel to take over DC.

Picture 2 of Rumor: Marvel could buy rival DC Comics

Dan Didio resigned after ten years to help build DC Comics.

However, these reports are believed to be AT & T's own leak to see the reaction of fans to the merger of two princes in the comic world. So they don't seem as reliable as we expected.

There are many other options for DC Comics that they can refresh their lineup of talents such as recruiting more writers and making new movies to adapt the comics. For example, currently, director JJAbrams is being selected by Marvel for a new Spider-man project and after he signed with WarnerMedia, JJ can do similar projects for DC.

Picture 3 of Rumor: Marvel could buy rival DC Comics

Can Abrams do the same projects for DC as with Marvel?

As for DiDio, this rumor also shows that the conflict with AT&T in the "5G" project, in order to rebuild DC with new characters. This completely makes them feel insecure about upcoming movie projects like The Batman. Not only that, DiDio also did not receive the approval of another DC author - Scott Snyder - for this "renaissance" project.

It's just a rumor, but everything is possible - like Disney's purchase of Fox - so we need to be mindful of the deal. Perhaps thanks to such missions, we can see things that could never happen like the merging of the two universes DC and Marvel.

According to WeGotThisCovered
