Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

In the game Fall Guys, many players compete with each other to pass levels and become the last survivor.

The following tips will help players get through the 30 rounds of Fall Guys and become the only winner. However, these tips do not guarantee 100% victory because this game has extremely chaotic physics, and other talented opponents.

These little tricks and tactics mainly give gamers a competitive edge without any trial and error while playing.

Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

Big Fan

Picture 1 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

The trick to overcoming Big Fans is not to act hastily, especially when the number of players is especially crowded. People can jump from one court to another on the same fan, or run around the central rotation, but it is often easier to just wait and follow the rotation. Always watch out for other players trying to push you out of the race.

Players should focus on just jumping over the bar, although if you're feeling confident it's possible to get over it while jumping to another surface.

Block Party

Picture 2 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

Try to avoid crowds, as once the low fences come into play, it's easy for characters to trip and roll over if they bump into other players. Jumping and diving sideways can help overcome obstacles, if there is no time to sprint to their side. As the round progresses, players should stay close to the front edge so they can see what's coming next, but don't jump too far forward from position.

Dizzy Heights

Picture 3 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

Follow the direction of the rotating platforms and possibly jump over the triangular blocks to find a shortcut. Don't stress about falling in the second half as the bottom is easy to navigate and the character can jump through the upper holes. Make sure to jump on the last spinning rig so you don't fall into the hidden void.

Door Dash

Picture 4 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

Follow the leading players, let them determine which door to break first, and simply follow through the currently open gap. Dive through when opponents and obstacle parts start to pile up, to glide over their heads instead of being held back.

Egg Scramble

Picture 5 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

While collecting the initial eggs, the player can jump then dive to throw them in their basket without having to climb out again. When the group has collected a decent amount, stand guard on the top step to block opponents from trying to climb the ladder to steal eggs. Players can grab to prevent them from escaping or dropping eggs.

Egg Siege

Picture 6 of Fall Guys' Round-by-Round Guide

Like Egg Scramble, the best strategy is to quickly get as many eggs into your nest as possible, then start defending. Protecting the eggs in this round is more difficult because there are 2 ramps leading out of the nest that cannot be defended at the same time. However, if several people in the party take a side, they can each grab any opponent trying to take the eggs away and drop them straight back again.
