Flickr is sold to SmugMug professional photo hosting service

USA Today reported that Flikr has just been acquired by a professional photo hosting service SmugMug at an undisclosed price. Flickr's fate has not fallen since Yahoo downgraded and was acquired by Verizon last year for $ 4.5 billion and combined with AOL, becoming Oath.

Yahoo bought Flickr in 2005 for $ 35 million but did not know what to do, despite changing the design many times, even launching new service Flickr Pro to revive Flickr. However, this photo hosting and sharing service still does not return to the golden age before new competitors like Instagram. SmugMug CEO Don MacAskill told USA 'Flickr has experienced many ups and downs and is still at the core of the internet lazy'.

SmugMug plans to keep Flickr a standalone service but will invest more resources and interest than Oath. However, in terms of technology, this sale is not a bargain with SmugMug because the photo service they own seems to be even stronger.

See more:

  • These websites help you make money from photos
  • 10 best photo hosting and sharing sites
  • Notes when choosing online photo backup service
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