NOISE & PIXELATE filter group

NOISE filter group

The Noise filter group is used to prepare the printed image and create a special effect. They belong to the most valuable and most common filter group in Photoshop's own set of filters. These filters can add and remove noise from noise (Noise) defined as residual pixels that originate, either beads on film, or other defects such as dirt that sticks to the image. origin.

- Add Noise -

The Add Noise filter is used to assign a certain type of texture to the image by spraying speckled dust. Add Noise creates results that are basically the same, regardless of the image content. Add filters and a white image are often the basis for many interesting textures. It is used to hide the "contacts" of the flat color onto an image, onto areas where the image needs to be grainy, and inside each individual channel to keep the gradients from blending. (by assigning a small but different amount of noise to each channel).

- Despeckle -

Despeckle filter is used to remove noise bits from the outside of the image after the image is scanned - and often before color correction. This is a one-step filter with no parameters. However, Despeckle can be applied many times. It smooths out damaged column charts, and helps to recover missed values.

- Dust & Scratches -

Dust & Scratches filter eliminates defects from images. It is best used in small selections. Because it performs smudging in a selection and tries to make the color in this selected area blend (blend) into another selected area. However, Dust & Scratches can be used effectively to create special effects, by setting Radius to 16 (maximum) and Threshold (minimum). At these settings the filter completely obscures the image while retaining the light area of ​​the image without wiping them in the same way as the Gaussian Blur filter still does.

- Median -

One of the original Photoshop filters, Median is the prototype of the Watercolor filter. It selects the "average" color of the selection for the Radius & Scratches distance, but it does not have a lot of control settings, so Dust & Scratches is better for preparing prints.

PIXELATE filter group

The Pixelate filter group works by dividing the image into multiple pixel clusters - square blocks (Mosaic filters), uneven blocks (Crystallize), random points (Mezzotint), etc. All are stylized. images with low value settings, and can destroy image content when there is a high set value.

- Color Halftone -

Color Halftone filter changes your image into color printing newspaper with low quality. You may ask, why? Basically this is a special effect. It is not valid as a production tool. Color Halftone filters make images look like funny comics, you can choose sizes and angles for half-tone points. Our suggestion is not to change the default Screen Angle unless you have a good reason to do so.

- Crystallize -

The Crystallize filter transforms the image into colored cells or honeycomb based on the image color. This is a special effects filter that can make your images look very different. Crystallize is a very useful filter for creating stylized versions of images, or for use in a channel then use this channel as a mask to apply a decent filter. The resulting gray shadows will change the filter results in a seemingly random way.

- Facet -

The Facet filter removes part of the sharpness at the border of the image elements. This one-Step filter (one step) may have to be applied several times until you see the result. Facet filter is a special effect type.

- Fragment -

The Fragment filter is a one-step (One-Step) filter that creates the effect as if your image has passed an earthquake of 4.2 Richter scale (strong shaking but not enough to destroy).

- Mezzotint -

The Mezzotint filter is an unsuccessful attempt to copy the traditional process of making prints using the etching method (Mezzotint). Mezzotint can be used in the field of creating special effects but the image received is too crude to be used as a mezzotint. The result may be better if you use the Deffusion Dither option on Bitmap conversion mode and create a grayscale mezzotint. If you need mezzotint color printing, divide your file into multiple component channels (choose Split Channels in the Channels palette - all layers need to be merged or flattened first, if you want to work with them). . Change each channel to Bitmap mode then return to Grayscale mode, and re-combine them by selecting Merge Channels in the Channels palette.

- Mosaic -

Mosaic filters transform your image into big pixels - pure color blocks. It finds the average color in the size block you choose and uses this color to create the block. The result of Mosaic filter is an abstract version of the image, similar to the Crystallize effect creating polygon cells. Mosaic filter is useful to simplify an image or font (background).

- Pointillize -

Pointillize filters turn images into small dots - like pictures of pointillism techniques (painting with tiny dots of different colors and eyes that are often seen as a color blend) by Georges Seurat. That can create a lovely stylized effect. This type of filter creates special effects, and the bow can also be used to create textures.
