How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

You find a good, useful video and want to share it on Facebook by embedding it on Facebook. In today's tutorial, teaches readers how to embed videos on Facebook extremely simply and effectively.

Picture 1 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

1. Embed video on Fanpage or personal page via the Share button

Step 1: You open the Youtube video to embed on Facebook. Next, click the Share button .

Picture 2 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

Next, click on the Facebook icon to embed it on Facebook.

Picture 3 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

Step 2: Click the Share button to the Message Board or News (1) => select Share to the message board or the News to post to the wall or Share to the Page you manage (2) to embed on the Fanpage.

Picture 4 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

Step 3: Next, enter the content for the video to post (3) and click Post to Facebook (4) to finish.

Picture 5 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

And finally your video posted on the page as shown below is done.

Picture 6 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

2. Use the video link to embed YouTube video on Facebook

Step 1: Open the Youtube video to embed and right-click the video player => select Copy video URL .

Picture 7 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

Step 2: Open Facebook, click on the status post and paste the Youtube link into it.

Picture 8 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

Wait for Facebook to load the link, then click Post to post the video on your wall. You can write a few lines where you paste the link before posting or leave it blank.

Picture 9 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

And finally, your video has been embedded on your personal Facebook.

Picture 10 of How to embed YouTube videos into Facebook

With two ways of embedding YouTube videos on Facebook in posts, we can quickly share our favorite videos to Facebook without any problems. Good luck!
