Official Android emulator application available on Mac OS X

BlueStacks supports running applications based on both x86, ARM, Android TV platforms as well as supporting high-definition Retina screens.

Picture 1 of Official Android emulator application available on Mac OS X
BlueStacks is available on OS X.

After a long time of limited alpha testing, BlueStacks today is officially available on the platform for Mac computers. The developer said the app has been customized to take advantage of the powerful hardware features on Apple devices like the Retina display, multi-touch touchpad support.

BlueStacks installed on OS X allow to run all Android applications based on x86, ARM or Android TV platforms. Users can also download directly from the Play Store app store like on Android phones or tablets.

The emulator suite also allows installed Android applications to use hardware like microphones and cameras if required. In addition, with applications that require strong graphics capabilities, BlueStacks can also respond by optimizing hardware on Mac computers.

BlueStacks currently has about 90 million users on Windows computers. This software package allows download and use for free through the developer website.
