Full Moon facts - Full moon you may not know yet

Full Moon sign ( Full Moon ) once in each month is a time when we can clearly see things around. In culture and history, the full moon has another meaning, which is the change from month to month for a year.

Every Full Moon stirred our emotions and every Full Moon has different names and properties every month. Many names of Full Moon date from the time of the ancient tribes - those who rely on full moon periods to track crops and harvest. Each name of Full Moon is created by many different cultures around the world. Virtually all Full Moons have more than one name - including names that are more widely used than others.

Every month there will be a full moon - Full Moon

In fact, one side of the Moon faces the planet, the other side is always in the dark. And in fact, most of the " full moon " time will not be completely round. Only when the moon, the Earth and the Sun lie in line, then the moon is 100% true and that alignment will appear eclipses . Sometimes - very rarely - there are two full moons in a month ( or four times in a season, depending on your observation ). This rare phenomenon appeared on May 21 this year.

Full moon - Next Moon will be Moon The Harvest Moon will appear tomorrow - Friday 16 September. Meanwhile, Full Moon will be most visible at 3:05 pm local time ( 1905 GMT ), the moon will be the most circular in normal astrology one day and after the official day one day. Moon Plan is known as the " Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum " in Chinese culture. Moon Plans that occur in September coincide with a " half-moon eclipse " ( penumbral lunar eclipse ) - that will be observed in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Western Pacific region.

Full moon calendar 2016

Each country has a different culture, so the naming scheme for each period is different. These names are usually equal to the names of the events that occur during the month. The Farmer's Almanac list lists a few names and explains some of the changes in those names, but in general, these names are used in Algonquin tribes from the side. West New England ( New England ) to Upper Lake ( Lake Superior ). European settlers still keep their own customary practices, and also create some new names.

Below is the full moon calendar of 2016, according to NASA:

  • January 23: The Wolf Moon . The Wolf Moon happened at a time when we could hear the howl of hungry wolves in the middle of winter.
  • February 22: The Snow Moon ( Moon Snow ). Moon Snow occurs in winter in February, when the snow is heaviest. This is also the time when hunting becomes difficult, so it is also known as Hunger Moon.
  • March 23: The Worm Moon . The Deep Moon occurs when the temperature starts to increase and warms up, the ground becomes fresh, the earthworms start to reappear. Alternate name: Sap Moon ( Live Resin Moon ) or Crow Moon ( Raven Moon ).
  • April 22: The Pink Moon ( Moon Hong ). Pink Moon is when wild flowers start to bloom in pink. Other names: Grass Moon (Grass Moon), Egg Moon ( Moon Egg ), or Fish Moon (Fish Moon).
  • May 21: The Flower Moon . Flower Moon when countless flowers begin to bloom this month. Alternative names: The Corn Planting Moon ( Moon Growing Corn ) or Milk Moon ( Moon Milk ).
  • June 20: The Strawberry Moon . The Strawberry Moon is the time when the Native American tribe Algonquin rushed to pick ripe berries. Alternate name: The Honey Moon, Rose Moon (Rose Rose), or Hot Moon (Hot Moon).
  • July 20: The Buck Moon or Thunder Moon . The Moon Deer is when the deer begin to grow new horns. Alternate name: Thunder Moon ( Thunder or Thunder ) or Hay Moon ( Straw Moon ).
  • August 21: The Sturgeon Moon . Sturgeon Moon is named based on the time when Native American tribes can catch fish easily. Alternative names: Green Corn Moon ( Moon Blue Corn ), Red Moon (Red Moon), Grain Moon (Grain Moon).
  • September 16: Harvest Moon . The time of Full Moon is closest to Falling Fall and may occur in September or October, or Barley Moon ( Moon At Circuit ).
  • October 16: The Hunter's Moon . The Hunter's Moon is the time when Native American tribes began hunting and hoarding food for the winter.
  • November 14: The Beaver Moon ( Hai Ly Moon ). Named after time, when Native Americans trapped beavers before the water began to freeze, it was also the time when beavers began preparing for the winter.
  • December 13: The Cold Moon ( Cold Moon ). December's moon is named after the middle of the winter, when it feels real cold and the night time becomes longer and darker.
  • There is also the name Full Moon ( Full Moon ). Native Americans often call them by different names. In the book " This Day in North American Indian History " published by Da Capo in 2002, author Phil Konstantin listed more than 50 names. Native Americans and the name of the Full Moon phenomenon. Phil Konstantin also listed it on AmericanIndian.net personal website.

    Amateur astronomer Keith Cooley has a brief rundown of the names of the different moon names, which include Chinese and Celtic people on his website. For example:

    Name the Chinese moon

  • January: Moon Holiday ( Holiday Moon )
  • February: The Falling Moon ( Budding Moon )
  • March: Sleepy Moon Saying ( Sleepy Moon )
  • April: Moon Peony ( Peony Moon )
  • May: Dragon Moon ( Dragon Moon )
  • June: Lost Moon ( Lotus Moon )
  • July: Hungry Ghost Moon ( Hungry Ghost Moon )
  • August: Moon Harvest ( Harvest Moon )
  • September: Taitung Moon ( Chrysanthemum Moon )
  • October: Loving Moon ( Kindly Moon )
  • November: White Moon ( White Moon )
  • December: Bitter Moon ( Bitter Moon )
  • They often name the moon according to the signs of the season, so Moon Harvest occurs at the end of the season - September and the Cold Moon ( Cold Moon ) to describe the cold in November.That's how the moon works in the northern hemisphere.

    In the Southern hemisphere, where the seasons change, Harvest Moon usually occurs in March and Cold Moon is June. According to Earthsky.org, here are the common names used to call the moon south of the equator:

  • January : Straw Moon ( Or Moon ), Deer Moon ( Buck Moon ), Thunder Moon ( Thunder Moon ), Grass Moon ( Mead Moon ).
  • February ( mid-summer ): Grain Moon , Moon Sturgeon ( Sturgeon Moon ), Red Moon ( Red Moon ), Corn Moon ( Corn Moon ).
  • March : Moon Harvest ( Harvest Moon ), Corn Moon ( Corn Moon ).
  • April : Moon Harvest ( Harvest Moon ), Hunter's Moon ( Hunter's Moon ), Blood Moon .
  • May : Hunter's Moon ( Hunter's Moon ), Hai Ly Moon ( Beaver Moon) , Moon Moon ( Frost Moon ).
  • June : Oak Moon ( Oak Moon ), Cold Moon ( Cold Moon ), Night's Moon ( Night's Moon ).
  • July: Wolf Moon ( Wolf Moon ), Old Moon ( Old Moon ), Ice Moon ( Ice Moon ).
  • August : Snow Moon ( Snow Moon ), Storm Moon ( Storm Moon) , Hungry Moon ( Hunger Moon ), Wolf Moon ( Wolf Moon ).
  • September : Deep Moon ( Moon Worm ), Vegetarian Moon ( Lenten Moon ), Raven Moon ( Crow Moon ), Sugar Moon ( Sap Moon ), Sap Moon .
  • October : Egg Moon ( Egg Moon ), Moon Fish ( Fish Moon ), Pink Moon ( Pink Moon ), Moon Walk ( Waking Moon ).
  • November : Corn Moon , Moon Milk ( Milk Moon ), Moon Flower ( Flower Moon ).
  • December : Strawberry Moon ( Strawberry Moon ), Honeymoon ( Honey Moon ), Moon Rose ( Rose Moon ).
  • Different stages

    The moon has a spherical shape and the time to circumnavigate the Earth is 27.3 days . It also took 27 days for the Moon to rotate around its axis. So the moon often has the same sides, there is no separate " dark side " of the moon. When the moon revolves around Earth, it is illuminated from different angles of light from the sun. On average, the moon only appears about 50 minutes a day - meaning it can appear during the daytime and at other times at night.

    Here are the phases of the moon's movement:

  • New Moon- the moon lies between the Earth and the Sun so the faces of the Moon towards us do not receive sunlight and it is only illuminated by the dim light of the sun reflected from the Earth.
  • A few days later, when the Moon moves around the Earth, our faces can see gradually brighter due to sunlight.This thin piece is calleda waxing crescent.
  • One week after the New Moon, the moon moves about 90 degrees from the sun and is half illuminated from the point where we are watching, that we callfirst quarterbecause it's only part of the road rotate around the Earth.
  • A few days later, the illuminated area of ​​the moon continued to rise.More than half of the moon's surface is illuminated.This stage is called thecrescent moon ( waxing gibbous).
  • When the moon has moved 180 degrees from the position of the new moon, the sun, the Earth and the Moon lie in a straight line.The moon's rotating disc can almost be fully illuminated by the sun, so it is called thefull moon phenomenon ( Full Moon).
  • Next, the moon moved more than half of the surface receiving sunlight, but the amount of light fell.This is calledthe end of the month ( waning gibbous).
  • A few days later, the moon has moved a quarter of the distance around the Earth, reaching thethird quarter.The light of the sun now shines to the other half of the moon's surface.
  • The moon then moved tothe waning crescent phase, less than half the surface receiving light and the moon's surface continuing to decrease.
  • Finally, the moon moves to the original starting position.Because the lunar orbit is not entirely in the same plane as the Earth's orbit around the sun, they are rarely aligned.The moon usually lies lower or higher than the sun from the " key " point , but sometimes it is right in front of the sun and then appears the eclipse.
  • Picture 1 of Full Moon facts - Full moon you may not know yet The phases of the moon and the difference between an old crescent and a crescent or a defective period.Photo source: Karl Tate, SPACE.com

    Each Full Moon can calculate exactly when it happened - this may or may not be true for the time when the moon appears at where you live. Therefore, Full Moon may be several hours earlier or later than the actual time. Although there are sufficient technical instruments, a conventional telescope will not observe this particular phenomenon. In fact, the moon will look nearly the same for two consecutive nights after the full moon .
