Strangely, fish can live on land for five years without dying

Fish that live on land are against the law of nature but there is actually a strange fish that can do that. With the ability to build cocoons to hibernate in the dry season, the fish, or Salamanderfish, can live on land without water for five years, even if they can drown if kept in water for too long.

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  • Picture 1 of Strangely, fish can live on land for five years without dying

    The respiratory system of the lung fish is very developed, able to take oxygen from the air like terrestrial animals. As a child, the fish in the water must live up to the surface to breathe air. Once mature, they can live on land for a long time, even for a year. The strange thing is that they can drown if immersed in water for too long.

    The lungfish has a long body similar to the eel species, which can reach up to 2m long when they mature (African lungfish). They can move easily on land thanks to extremely strong pectoral and abdominal fins.

    Picture 2 of Strangely, fish can live on land for five years without dying

    Lung fish is a predator. Their main food is small fish and shrimp, but this fish also eats almost everything found from gravel and stone . because it has a wide mouth.

    When in water, they move and feed like many other fish. By the dry season, lung fish dig a deep hole in the young mud by eating mud by mouth and discharging through the gills. When it reaches a sufficient depth, it stops digging and hardening the mud by secreting mucus through the mouth, forming a cocoon around it, only the mouth is exposed to the air for air.

    When hibernating, the metabolism of lung fish drops to a maximum, only 1/60 when normal. In addition, they have the ability to convert protein-based waste into urea, a less toxic form of waste instead of ammonia.

    Picture 3 of Strangely, fish can live on land for five years without dying

    Picture 4 of Strangely, fish can live on land for five years without dying
    The process of burrowing and hibernation of lung fish.

    When water comes back, the lung fish comes out of the cave and begins the process of finding food.

    This terrestrial fish is often found in shallow water, like swamps, but is sometimes found in large lakes in Africa, South America and Australia.

    In Africa, people often catch them by digging their holes on dry lagoons. However, not everyone likes to eat this fish because their meat smells very heavy.

    Interesting story about the world's toughest fish

    Scientists have demonstrated the extraordinary ability of African lungfish to live. In the Douz River, east Lybya, Africa in the dry season, people often take mud to build bricks for houses. An unlucky lung fish unfortunately becomes part of that brick. The house was built and of course there was a hibernating fish waiting to be reborn.

    Six months later, a heavy rain caused the wall of the house to be damp, and it was astonishing to see a small fish trying to draw water and escape.

    After half a year, the lung fish still survived in the dry wall. The video below will show you the incredible story about this strange terrestrial fish.
