Samsung plans to launch smartphone with 600MP camera?

The competition for processing power or screen resolution in the smartphone world has really cooled down, now is the time when the companies compete with 'dots' on the camera as well as the quality of photos. This trend is being led by a series of Android giants such as Oppo, Huawei, Xiaomi, and especially Samsung.

We have in turn witnessed the launch of a series of smartphones with 48MP, 64MP and even 108MP camera sensors, but Samsung has much bigger ambition than that. Recently, a representative of the producer Kim Chi said that the company's leaders are aiming to realize a plan to launch a smartphone equipped with a camera sensor up to 600MP. Yes, you read that right. The reason Samsung has given is because the human eye has been proven to reach an estimated resolution of about 500 dots, and they simply want to go beyond this limit.

Picture 1 of Samsung plans to launch smartphone with 600MP camera? Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

Of course, the 600MP sensor Samsung plans to develop will not only be available on smartphones, but will also have a huge potential when used on more 'special' technology devices such as unmanned vehicles. drones, as well as many other IoT products, or even in the fields of health and agriculture.

'The type of 600MP sensor we are talking about here is a long-term goal, we can't disclose any details at the moment. Every decision and specific route will be thoroughly evaluated. Creativity and innovation have always been our top priority, '' a Samsung representative said in an interview with Android Authority.

Thus, it can be seen that the phone with the new 600MP camera is just stopping at the idea level. But it is clear that Samsung has absolutely enough human and financial resources to make such ideas a reality. The problem is only time and especially efficiency in practical use - whether it is enough to convince the Korean manufacturer to pursue this ambitious project.

In a related news, there are rumors that Samsung will launch a 192MP smartphone this year, let's wait and see!
