Classify hackers and career opportunities for true hackers

Hacker was originally a term used to describe software writers and testers, or those who liked computer programming to serve their needs. But gradually, the term has been used in the sense of someone who breaks into the system, steals information, and destroys the system. [You can read the details at: The interesting facts behind 10 tech terms. popular]. So is it true that hackers are superhuman, full of bad people?

There is a short myth about hackers:

A 15-year-old boy sat behind a vivid black screen, typing madly. Blue lines of text flashed across the screen like a waterfall. His tension escalated when he started sending attack commands to the target computer. Suddenly, he laughed and proceeded to steal money.

Picture 1 of Classify hackers and career opportunities for true hackers
The image of a hacker went into legend

It is a stereotypical view of a hacker, when it comes to hackers, the first image that people envision is the legend above. However, there are many other hacker models that Hollywood and the media have not described. Today, we will learn about hacker classification . Hackers have many different types and include the following 7 types of hackers:

Kiddie Script: The Kiddie Script often does not care about hacking (if any, they will be Green Hat). They copy code, use them to create viruses, SQLi or similar things. The Kiddie script cannot hack itself, they only download the built-in hack software (eg LOIC or Metasploit) and watch the video tutorial on YouTube to know how to use it. The most common attacks that Kiddie Scripts do are DoS or DDoS, in which the flood is flooded with IP with a lot of information, causing the server to crash because of overload. These components are quite dangerous, not knowing the possible consequences with your hacking action. They did not learn about hacking techniques, "stealing" other people's efforts just to hack . dread.

Green Hat (Hackers green hat): These are new hackers who practice hack (n00bz), but different from Kiddies Script, they are interested in hacking and striving to become powerful hackers. They often participate in hacker communities, asking basic questions. When the questions they ask are answered, they will listen attentively to curiosity like a child who first hears adult stories.

Blue Hat (Blue Hat Hacker): When the Kiddie Script intends to take revenge on people who made them angry, they will become Blue Hat. Most Blue Hat are n00bz, but like Kiddie Script, they have no need to learn to hack.

White Hat (White Hat Hacker): Also known as Ethical Hacker (White Hacker), White Hat hackers are the best hackers in the world. They will help you remove viruses or help companies discover vulnerabilities in software and systems by breaking into them. They hack into the system to discover security issues, before bad guys do it. After discovering the flaw, they will report back to the relevant organizations to find ways to patch and fix. Most of the White Hat hackers have degrees in the field of information technology or computer science and are certified to work in the field of hacking. The most popular certification is CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) from EC-Council. [You can read more about this certificate: The most important IT certificates]

Black Hat (Black Hat Hacker): Also known as Cracker, these are the characters you often hear on the news. They are the ones who make the world think that hackers are bad people. This is because their purpose of hacking is often selfish and for personal gain. They find banks, companies with poor security systems, steal money or credit card information. One surprising fact about their attack method is that they often use the popular hacking methods they have learned before. But they are also the creators of hacking, finding security holes to hack. The term Kiddie Script is hated by Black Hat, they take it as an insult because hackers Script Kiddie often uses a loan program, available to attack the network, sabotage the site to bring its reputation .

Picture 2 of Classify hackers and career opportunities for true hackers

Gray Hat (Hacker gray hat): In this life, there are other colors besides black and white and so is the hacker world. Gray Hacker Hat is located somewhere between white hat hacker and black hat. They do not steal money or information (though sometimes, they accidentally spoil some websites), but they do not help people (unless they want to). They may randomly find ways to expose misconduct, take revenge on exactly who was angry with them or attack a definite goal for some reason. Technically, Gray Hat performs hacking actions without permission, so even if there is no bad intention, it is still considered illegal. A gray hat hacker can exploit the vulnerability, but instead of using it for personal purposes, they can tell white hat hackers or black hats to explore, sometimes they tell the relevant organization to fix the problem. These hackers account for a large number of hackers, even though Black Hat are the hackers who capture most of the media's attention.

Red Hat (Red Hat Hacker): Can be likened to Red Hat hackers like civil defense teams in hackers. They are like white-hat hackers in blocking Black Hat hackers, but bring real fear to black hat hackers. Instead of reporting about dangerous hackers, they will crash the system by uploading viruses, attacking DoS and accessing an attacker's computer to crash it from within. They use many positive methods that can force a cracker to replace the new computer. This is really the idol of many people who dream of becoming hackers.

Job opportunities of hackers (counting from white hats to red hats ^^):

Now you have some basic understanding of the differences between hackers. If you want to use hacking skills to find career opportunities, here are 3 perfect positions for hackers:

Network security engineer: In this position, you can use your advanced knowledge of malware, viruses, DoS attacks, DDoS and other online threats to protect organization against online crime again. In addition, you can help the company build, maintain, improve IT security solutions, check the vulnerability, assess the security of the system and create security solutions when broadcast. does the problem.

Malware analyst: Malware analysts are experts in the field of malware. In this position, you will be tasked with identifying and disabling new and dangerous types of malware. This position requires proficiency in many programming languages ​​and a deep knowledge of computer systems.

CISO (Head of Information Security): If you are more ambitious, you can get a mark on this high level of information security. The CISO is responsible for overseeing all online security efforts within an organization. They must always be ready to deal with possible network attacks, lead surveys to find gaps in the network, monitor security operations and manage other employees. You need to get back a lot of information security experience before sitting in this position. But once you have gained CISO, with expert knowledge of hackers and security, you can lead your entire team in the fight against cybercrime.

Hopefully the article can help you understand a little more about the types of hackers and career opportunities when you plan to follow this path. Please consider carefully when choosing a hat color for you!

See more:

The white "monster master" hat hackers
