Terrible types of lead poisoning in history

Historically there have been many dangerous types of lead poisoning, adversely affecting human health, making us fearless.

Ancient Roman

According to research by Canadian scientist Jerome Nriagu, most of the ancient Roman emperors were seriously poisoned by lead. This was the result after Jerome Nriagu checked the diet of 30 Roman emperors from 30 BC - in 220 AD.

Picture 1 of Terrible types of lead poisoning in history

Since ancient times, the Romans used items from lead, copper to cook food, make wine, make cosmetics or water pipes. This caused the ancient emperors and Romans to suffer from chronic diseases caused by long-term lead poisoning .

Even water in the Tiber River has a lead content exceeding 100 times. The use of lead water is also the cause of human poisoning without them knowing it.

According to Jerome Nriagu's research, the main source of poisoning in ancient Rome was lead in food and wine. The lead poisoning caused young Roman emperors to die and this was also an important reason for the collapse of the Roman empire.

Chronic lead poisoning

Genius composer Ludwig van Beethoven died at the age of 57. According to medical conclusions at the time, he died of cirrhosis and abdominal cavity. But there are many assumptions that the composer died due to lead poisoning.

Picture 2 of Terrible types of lead poisoning in history

Until 2005, there was evidence of the cause of the composer's death after Beethoven's bone analysis results were published. Accordingly, the amount of lead accumulated in Beethoven's cells is too high, 100 times more than normal. Perhaps the main cause of the genius composer's death.

But, why Beethoven suffered from lead poisoning is still a mystery. Some people believe that the wine that Beethoven regularly drinks is the cause. Because, wine at that time was filtered with lead oxide (PbO) which led to the famous lead composer poisoning lead at any time. But, it is also suggested that water containing lead precipitate that Beethoven drinks at hot springs to cure his deafness on the advice of doctors is the cause of lead poisoning for the composer. .

Lead poisoning from alcohol

When excavating 17 male remains from the Royal Navy Hospital cemetery in Antigua, the experts were surprised to find the bones of 14 of them with bone lead levels of up to 13 - 336 ppm (80 ppm is lead poisoning).

Picture 3 of Terrible types of lead poisoning in history

In ancient times, members of the Royal Navy crew were staffed for a certain amount of alcohol. This is the type of hard liquor suspected of lead poisoning distilled in Antiguan in the 18th century, causing poisoning to the lobes. That's why these 17 people were buried in Antiguan.
