The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist?

There are mysterious disappearances that have happened in history regarding "time loopholes" that make scientists crazy. After dozens, even hundreds of years, when the disappearance cases gradually drifted into oblivion, the victim suddenly appeared as if it had just happened yesterday.

The plane disappeared 35 years back, passengers on the Titanic appeared after 80 years, coffee was still hot after 48 years . are some of the mysterious disappearances that time.

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  • Passengers on the Titanic appeared after nearly 80 years

    On April 14, 1912, the Titanic in the first trip was in distress, causing 1,500 people missing. Yet, between 1990 and 1991, two characters disappeared with the Titanic nearly 80 years ago in the area near the North Atlantic glacier.

    Picture 1 of The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist?
    The scene of the Titanic sinking.

    On September 24, 1990, the Foshogen ship was traveling in the North Atlantic Ocean, when it saved a woman wearing British nobility in the early 20th century, her whole body was wet and chilly. The woman claimed to be 29-year-old Wenni Kate, a passenger on the Titanic. When the ship wrecked, she was hit by a large wave on this iceberg.

    Everyone thinks this girl is chattering. After being taken to the hospital for examination. Her health was nothing to worry about, she was just too scared to be lost for many days, her nerves had no signs of disorder. Blood, hair tests, showing her about 30 years old.

    After checking the list of passengers on the Titanic, it was found that all content matched what Kate said.

    If this girl was a passenger on the ill-fated Titanic, then what had happened, perhaps from 1912 until now, and for nearly 80 years, Kate had not aged at all?

    When this strange incident is still controversial, the second strange incident happened.

    On August 9, 1991, a marine scientific survey team discovered and saved a 60-year-old man in the southwest area about 387 km from the North Atlantic glacier. Everyone was surprised when the man was the famous Captain Smith of the Titanic, the last person to sink into the sea with the ship. When rescued, he insisted that the day was September 15, 1912, the day after the ship sank.

    Picture 2 of The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist? Captain Smith of the Titanic.

    If you calculate the right time, Smith is now 140 years old but in reality is only a 60 year old man.

    After undergoing a series of tests and fingerprint tests, the rescued person was determined to be Captain Smith and he was perfectly healthy.

    Some European-American oceanic agencies said Captain Smith and passenger Kate had fallen into "missing phenomenon - recurring through time".

    800 British soldiers missing in the clouds

    During the First World War, on August 21, 1915, the British army consisted of more than 800 soldiers of the Norfolk 5 Regiment, ordered to maneuver to a high mountain in the Dardanelles region of Turkey. According to witnesses, when the army entered the valley, a large cloud flew down and covered them. Until the last soldier disappeared, the whole cloud flew high and disappeared. No one saw any soldiers walking out of that strange cloud, more than 800 soldiers were completely missing.

    At that time, 22 New Zealand soldiers were also training in battle with this army, on another small hill about 600 meters away, witnessing this mysterious sight firsthand.

    More than 800 missing British soldiers did not leave any trace until today.

    The plane disappeared 35 years back

    On September 9, 1990, the Venezuelan airport control station discovered a Douglas (a popular trademark of the 1930-1940s) that suddenly flew over. After finding out and confirming, everyone was panicked because it was a 914 Pan American Airways aircraft from New York to Florida that was believed to be missing and 50 passengers on June 2, 1955.

    After 35 years, they still look like they were missing. The police and the American scientists were amazed that when investigating the ID card and the passenger body on the flight, every detail was 100% matched.

    A decade-long moment

    Picture 3 of The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist?

    US Navy records record a mysterious disappearance of 25 soldiers in the Pacific campaign during World War II. In 1945, the American Indiana Bolis was sunk by Japanese submarines, 25 soldiers and officers leaving the battleship by lifeboat sent an emergency signal. The US Navy received that signal but after many searches without any trace, they were forced to declare that the other 25 soldiers were missing.

    On July 1, 1991, a Filipino fishing fleet in Sibis, south of the Philippine Islands, discovered a rescue boat and 25 soldiers in a panic.

    Appears mysteriously after 46 years but the appearance of those soldiers has not changed, even the beard and hair . are not any longer. 25 people insisted that they were only floating on the sea one day and one night.

    Hot air balloon appeared after 36 years of mysterious disappearance

    Picture 4 of The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist?

    In 1954, Mary Rogen and Derick Noidon's airship while participating in a hot air balloon competition suddenly went missing. After many searching efforts, there were no traces of the balloon with its two owners. In 1990, after 36 years, the balloon went missing with Mary Rogen and Derick Noidon suddenly appeared at the place where it was missing in 1954 in front of thousands of astounding eyes of the audience participating in a balloon competition. other there.

    During the investigation, Rogen and Derick claimed that during the 1954 hot air balloon competition at Bodorigo Saint Juan, they were suddenly irritated into the brain area, the whole body was aching as if an electric current passed through. Everything around from the sky to the sea turned into a red. It was only in that red moment that time passed 36 years.

    After 48 years, coffee is still hot

    Picture 5 of The missing plane returned after 35 years, a decade-long moment, ... does the 'time gap' really exist?

    In 1985, it was discovered that a two-engine passenger plane had been missing nearly 48 years earlier in the swamp in the New Guinea jungle. The thing that amazes people is that even though it has been missing for nearly half a century, the plane is still new, the aircraft has no scratches, from the brand to the paint is still shiny, the doors of It was open immediately, there was no sign of rust.

    The investigators were all stunned when they found that in the cabin, no one was alive or dead, but there was a paper cup and cigarette butts were discontinued during World War II and newspapers The date of publication is that the third Sunday of January 1937 has not yet turned yellow. Even, coffee is kept in a bottle still warm and intact . it seems that someone is still sitting in an airplane.

    After the investigation, they only knew that this was a civilian plane taking off from Manila, Philippines to China in 1937 but could not explain the strange things that happened.

    Around the issue of "time loopholes", there were many hypotheses that were put forward, but they did not provide any valid evidence. The phenomenon of "missing - recurring" is still a mystery waiting for people to discover.
