7 Ways to be Less Awkward on a First Date

But before you get into having flashbacks, let's learn why do people feel awkward during a first date, even though they always meet new people and communicate on a daily basis.

What Makes A First Date So Awkward?

1. Lack of experience

Even though you might be a gigolo in dating, a new experience is always awkward. We tend to dislike and postpone events that don't bring much confidence and comfort. But once you get a taste and decide to stick your foot in cold water, you might realize that things are actually not that bad.

2. You are an awkward person

If you are a hopeless romantic or just space out too much, day-to-day communications may be a burden for you. But don't worry, you can cure this illness by going on more dates and talking to more people.

3. You really like this person

When we are fond of someone, the thought of losing them because of our own stupidity doesn't sit right. And because you don't know how to be perfect for a date, even the attempt to be funny or sexy can lead to even more awkwardness.

What To Do If You Are Pathologically Awkward On A First Date?

Picture 1 of 7 Ways to be Less Awkward on a First Date

1. Go on more dates. If you are scared to talk, laugh, or eat in front of your viz-a-viz, try to make it easier by forcing yourself to meet new people. A few dozens of new connoisseurs will make you a pro in dating. These can be Ukrainian girls on chats, a group of friends, classmates or college pals from the past. But just make sure your communicative skills are on point before the actual date with a desired person.

2. Plan out everything. The more you plan, the less chances are to mess up. Sometimes too much preparation is not good as well, but at least coming up with a meeting spot, deciding on an outfit and preparing a list of questions won't do any harm. Come up with clever conversation starters to develop them into a small talk and then a deep talk on profound topics.

3. Realize that another person is nervous too. There aren't too many ways to trace someone's awkwardness as people tend to hide their emotions really good. But just imagine that your awkward aura is contagious, and now your partner wants to leave too. Did it get easier? Once you realize that both of you are just equally confused strangers, the bond will be incredible.

4. Learn that silence is golden. When you think that blabbing for the sake of avoiding a weird pause is cute, it is not. Learn for how to exist comfortably in silence, that it is okay to shut up and enjoy the dinner. Once the silence is not so threatening, you won't get an urge to come up with weird conversation starters.

5. Text the day before the meeting. To be comfortable with meeting a new person, you need to understand how their brain works, how long it takes them to respond and what are their pet peeves. Besides, maintaining an online connection will eliminate the feeling of strangeness.

6. Don't use doping. Drugs, alcohol, and laughing gas might sound like the answer, but they can make your impression fatal in no time. There aren't many ways to pregame wisely. Besides, you might create a weird thought in your mind that any human connection needs a fix.

7. Have a support team on your side. When you are surrounded by loving friends and family, any meeting or connection might seem easier because there is always someone who can cheer you up and hype you for the upcoming event. If you have a privilege to appear with a group of friends, talk to someone before the date or ask a piece of advice,it would be splendid to do that.
