The source code of the GPU for PS5 and Xbox Series X was stolen and posted on Github

Last Thursday, AMD had to issue an official statement on stolen intellectual property last December. However, the details of what was stolen and who was the culprit were quite vague. However, AMD has been sending a series of removal requests under the Digital Copyright Protection Act (DCMA) to Github. So, AMD's RDNA2 GPU source code, the graphics processor used on next gen console generation, was immediately removed by Github.

Picture 1 of The source code of the GPU for PS5 and Xbox Series X was stolen and posted on Github

According to Torrentfreak, AMD began sending removal requests from Wednesday after discovering that a hacker had repeatedly accessed AMD's system, discovered the source code of multiple GPU lines including Navi 10 and Navi 21, and then posted Upload to Github. Which sources are exposed can include RDNA2.

Picture 2 of The source code of the GPU for PS5 and Xbox Series X was stolen and posted on Github

Torrentfreak also spoke to the hacker, who said that the things she distributed were worth up to $ 100 million. In her Github post, the female hacker also indicated that her team is looking for people to buy the source code for the price she mentioned above. The worst case is that no one needs it, they will release all the information they have stolen. Before AMD could send a removal request to Github, at least 4 people had already copied and posted to their Git.

The hacker also added: "Actually, we accidentally found this code in an AMD unprotected server through security breaches. I thought something important like this had to be protected in a way. It's nice and it's terribly encrypted. I haven't talked to AMD yet because I know for sure that instead of apologizing, they will come to sue us. So why not release it for everyone to see. " .

According to sources, apart from Github, AMD's GPU source code has been posted elsewhere such as GitLab as well as downloaded. The lesson is that in the internet age, once something is revealed online it is hard to delete it.
