Special character board in Audition game

Audition is a game that is not new but still has a strong attraction to young people. This is an online dance game, where you can adventure with beautiful music and dance with simple buttons. When playing this game, you can play on a real stage with friends and also connect new friends all over the country.

  • Have you tried Audition dancing with FaceDance Challenge?
  • When playing these games, Audition's followers do not talk with ordinary characters but they create extremely unique characters that only those who are Audition gamers can fully understand the content. Talking or naming game nicknames with these characters helps you to be cute and have a personal style for yourself.

    Below is a list of special characters in Audition, you can refer! You can use the characters in the special character table below to make it interesting to play Audition game.

    Picture 1 of Special character board in Audition game

    To type in the special characters in Au, press ALT + the following numbers (the next number has two dots)

    : 236 (or ∞: 7148)

    •: 7 (or •: 06549)

    ←: 8475
    †: 0134 (or †: 01414)

    .: 0133

    ™: 0153

    ß: 225 (or ß: 49631)

    Ç: 128 (or Ç: 09415)

    €: 0128 (or €: 09856)

    ¯: 0943 (or ¯: 0175, ¯: 0687)
    85: 0185
    :: 253
    ³: 0179

    Color: 141

    Huyen: 0204

    Question: 0210

    Fall: 0222

    Heavy: 149

    Picture 2 of Special character board in Audition game

    22 0227

    box: 147

    E: 136

    U: 0253

    E: 01269

    â: 131

    Yes: 162

    ú: 163

    Asia: 160

    Note: 161

    A: 133

    è: 138

    Buzzing: 151

    ¥: 157 (or ¥: 925)

    ƒ: 159

    ─: 196 (or ─: 81604)

    §: 21

    ¿: 168

    Ð: 02544 (or Đ: 01264 in au is the letter e)


    £: 924

    ø: 0504

    «: 174 (or«: 0171)

    »: 175 (or»: 0187)

    ®: 0174

    ©: 0169

    ¼: 172

    ½: 171

    °: 01456

    ∞: 7148

    €: 09856

    ♪: 2573

    ♣: 5

    ▼: 9247

    ♥: 2563

    ♠: 14086

    •: 06549

    ╚: 9416

    379: 8379

    ←: 8475

    ↑: 15384

    ↓: 5145

    ƒ: 7583

    †: 0134

    : 8156

    ■: 18942

    ß: 049631

    ¯: 0943

    ¥: 0165

    ♀: 4108

    þ: 09726

    Ç: 09415

    ₧: 84126

    «: 94126

    Θ: 72169

    ╞: 57286

    ╦: 86731

    ¿: 52648

    ∟: 36892

    Γ: 8162

    ¢: 05794

    ë: 081643

    Ω: 48106

    24: 72438

    7: 72943

    ╓: 8150

    ╜: 2749

    ╨: 49360

    ║: 59834

    ╟: 2759

    ª: 75942

    18: 61842

    å: 9606

    Å: 399

    ï: 30859

    σ: 2789

    ─: 81604

    ▒: 5297

    ▓: 5298

    Ä: 9614

    φ: 82157

    Φ: 8424

    85: 0185

    æ: 9361

    ┬: 7362

    ┴: 7361

    ≡: 5104

    ±: 5105

    ├: 18627

    │: 179

    ║: 186

    ─: 196

    414 01414

    ©: 0425

    ≈: 247

    §: 21.

    Picture 3 of Special character board in Audition game

    Funny ways to write names that you can apply with special characters in au for your nickname in Audition! A good name, strange will make a strong impression for friends and those who play games with you ^^.

    (¯` • ._. • [(Name)] • ._. • ´¯)

    ¨ ° oO (Name) Oo °

    × ÷ •. • ´¯` •) »(name)« (• ´¯` •. • ÷ ×

    •• ^ v´¯` ×) (name) (× ´¯`v ^ •• •

    , .- ~ * '¨¯¨' * • ~ -.¸ - (_ (name) _) -, .- ~ * '¨¯¨' * • ~ -.¸

    - - - ^ [(name)] ^ - - -

    •• • • • • • (name) ••. • ´¯` •. ••

    `• .¸¸. • ´´¯` •• ._. • (name)` • .¸¸. • ´´¯` •• ._. •

    (¯` • ._) (name) (¯` • ._)

    ¯¨ '* • ~ -.¸¸, .- ~ *' (name) ¯¨ '* • ~ -.¸¸, .- ~ *'

    Oº ° '¨ (name) ¨' ° ºO

    × º ° '˜`' ° º × (name) × º ° '˜`' ° º ×

    . • ´¯` • -> (name)

    (name) ¸. • ´¯` • .¸>

    - -¤ - ^] (name) [^ - ¤- -

    ~ ²ºº0 ~ (name) ~ ²ºº8 ~

    ._ |. . | _. (name) ._ |. . | _.

    . | . . | .

    - • = »‡« = • - (name) - • = »‡« = • -

    • ° oO (name) Oo ° •

    –––– • (- • (name) • -) • ––––

    (¯` • ¸ • ´¯) (name) (¯` • ¸ • ´¯)

    •• ¤ (`× [¤ (name) ¤] × ´) ¤ ••

    - (•• ÷ [(name)] ÷ ••) -

    • ï¡ ÷ ¡ï • (name) • ï¡ ÷ ¡ï •

    •! ¦ [• (name) •] ¦! •

    ° º¤ø, ¸¸, ø¤º ° `° º¤ø, ¸ (name) ° º¤ø, ¸¸, ø¤º °` ° º¤ø, ¸

    ° ¨¨ ° º "° ¨¨ ° (_. • ´¯` •« ¤ ° (name) ° ¤ »• ´¯` • ._) ° ¨¨ ° º" ° ¨¨ °

    »- (¯`v´¯) -» (name) »- (¯`v´¯) -»

    ° l || l ° (name) ° l || l °

    • ° ¤ * (¯` ° (F) ((name)) (F) ° ´¯) * ¤ ° •

    —¤ ÷ (`[¤ * (name) * ¤] ´) ÷ ¤—

    ¸.´) (`• [(name)] • ´) (` .¸

    • ÷ ± ‡ ± (name) ± ‡ ± ÷

    + * ¨ ^ ¨ * + (name) + * ¨ ^ ¨ * +

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