unCAPTCHA breaks 450 reCAPTCHA in less than 6 seconds

unCAPTCHA is the name of a new automation system designed by a group of four computer science experts from the University of Maryland, capable of breaking Google's reCAPTCHA challenge with 85% accuracy.

This system is not intended to challenge reCAPTCHA. In images that are Google audio for people with disabilities.

unCAPTCHA works by downloading audio clips, including 6 systems to convert TTS voice to text, synthesize results and give the most feasible answers to Google.

Picture 1 of unCAPTCHA breaks 450 reCAPTCHA in less than 6 seconds
unCAPTCHA can answer audio CAPTCHA challenge with high accuracy

The test showed that unCAPTCHA can pass 450 reCAPTCHA with 85.15% accuracy in 5.42 seconds, faster than the time people need to hear a reCAPTCHA sound clip.

unCAPTCHA is available on GitHub

The code for unCAPTCHA has been uploaded to GItHub.https://github.com/ecthros/uncaptcha This code uses 6 TTS systems including Bing Speech Recognition, IBM, Google Cloud, Google Speech Recognition, Sphinx and Wit-AI.

This is not the first system to have this function. ReBreakCaptcha released in March is quite similar to unCAPTCHA. The difference is that Maryland researchers have warned Google to improve their reCAPTCHA system.

'reCAPTCHA also has some additional protection to limit the success of unCAPTCHA', the group said. 'For example, Google has improved automatic detection, making Selenium unable to get CAPCHA in its current state. This makes Google send cluttered audio clips to users. Some audio segments are not only numbers but also text snippets'.

The bot also broke the reCAPTCHA

Last week, researchers created AI bots that work similar to human eyes, can provide high-quality CAPTCHA system responses, with Google reCAPTCHA, image challenges for BotDetect, Yahoo and Paypal. respectively 66.6%, 64.4%, 57.4% and 57.1%.
