The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

The paintings have cleverly added details into their paintings as a hidden message that makes viewers feel excited when they discover them. Let's explore the inside of the 7 famous paintings below that contain interesting secrets.

  • Discover the 8 biggest secrets in Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" picture
  • Surprise details no one paid attention to the key to decoding world famous paintings
  • 1. Mona Lisa is "pinned"

    Picture 1 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is known as a perfection and mystery. Therefore, when Joseph Borkowski - American art expert said that the woman in the original painting did not have many teeth surprised many people.

    Borkowski zoomed in and looked closely at the painting of this masterpiece and discovered scars around her mouth - MonaLisa's expression was also a common manifestation of those who lacked their front teeth.

    2. The woman carries the baby behind the old musician

    Picture 2 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    Those who have the opportunity to admire Pablo Picasso's "The Old Guitarist" can easily see that there is a blurred face in the neck of this musician.

    But, only when the experts from the Chicago Art Institute took a picture of this painting did they discover that behind the musician playing the instrument, the image of a woman holding her baby, next to a child cows and sheep.

    Many people said that due to the difficult life, Pablo Picasso had to "reuse" specialized canvases many times.

    3. Van Gogh painter was "cut" on the wrong side

    Picture 3 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    The picture is one of dozens of self-portraits of Van Gogh. This picture depicts the artist injured in the right ear, but the fact that his cut off ear is on the left.

    This 'confusion' could be because when he painted himself, Van Gogh often observed himself through a mirror. Therefore, the right side of the picture is his left side and vice versa.

    4. Van Gogh likes yellow to reduce loneliness

    Picture 4 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    According to research documents, Van Gogh loves yellow, in his works he uses a lot of yellow, even he used to eat gold paint to reduce the single.

    But there are also documents showing that Van Gogh only likes yellow after treating depression. Due to the effects of side effects of a drug, everything in his eyes is yellow.

    5. I think it's nighttime but the context is actually daytime

    Picture 5 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings Picture 6 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    In 1642, Rembrandt van Rijn, a Dutch painter, released The Night Watch - Night Patrol. At that time everyone thought that the scene in the painting was at night. It was not until 1947 that experts, after cleaning up the painting with soot, discovered the context of this masterpiece as daylight.

    6. Revenge by hiring a wife painting artist

    Picture 7 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    Gustav Klimt is one of the most iconic Austrian painters and one of his most famous paintings is the drawing of Adele Bloch-Bauer - Ferdinand Bloch-Bauer's wife, the Austrian sugar king.

    The mysterious story behind this painting is quite 'funny', Ferdinand discovers Adele and Klimt have developed feelings so they seek vengeance. Ferdinand's plan is to put Klimt to draw hundreds of portraits of Adele with the aim of making the artist feel tired with his wife.

    Ferdinand's plan finally succeeded, after 4 years Klimt's feelings gradually became cold. Adele was completely unaware that her husband knew about his relationship with Klimt until his death.

    7. Brain anatomy images appear in the picture

    Picture 8 of The secret no one has hidden in world famous paintings

    After enlarging the painting Sistine Chapel: The Separation of Light and Darkness - The Sistine Chapel: The Split of Light and Darkness, an image of an anatomy brain is visible in the neck of the character in picture. Currently, people have not found a solution to this interesting detail.
