Google WiFi will indicate the connection quality of the device

Google has just said it will add features to Google WiFi to measure the connectivity of each device when they are connected to your network.

In the next few weeks, you will be able to use the Google WiFi application to check the connection of the device to what extent, whether it is Amazon Echo, smart TV or other IoT devices.

Currently Google's WiFi allows you to measure the speed and quality of your network connection, the new feature will see the speed of each device connected to that network. When you know which devices are weakly connected, you can bring them closer to the transmitter .

Picture 1 of Google WiFi will indicate the connection quality of the device
Check the network connection speed of each device

This new update is quite important when smart home appliances are increasingly popular. Google said on average there are about 18 devices on each Google WiFi network, so it is difficult to track the connectivity of all devices.

See more:

  • Android 8.1 will indicate whether WiFi is strong or weak before connecting
  • Infra-red Wifi is 112 GB per second, 300 times faster than the current speed
  • Internet speed test applications for smartphones
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