How to activate Download Booster on Galaxy S8, S8 Plus

Download Booster is one of the useful features on the Galaxy S8, S8 Plus duo. This feature will accelerate the download speed of files, especially when users download files such as exceeding 30MB. The mechanism of this feature is to increase data download speed by combining LTE connection and WiFi connection. However, by default this feature has been turned off and you can enable Download Booster on Galaxy S8 / S8 Plus according to the article below.

Step 1:

At the interface on the device, users click on Settings and then select Next Connections .

Picture 1 of How to activate Download Booster on Galaxy S8, S8 Plus

Step 2:

Next, in the settings list interface, scroll down and click on the More Connections Settings section .

Picture 2 of How to activate Download Booster on Galaxy S8, S8 Plus

Step 3:

Go to the new interface, by default Download Booster feature is in Off mode - Off. You need to enable this feature, by swiping the horizontal bar to the right to switch to On mode .

Picture 3 of How to activate Download Booster on Galaxy S8, S8 Plus

So you have activated the Download Booster feature on Galaxy S8, S8 Plus devices, increasing the speed of downloading files on the device. However, users should note, Download Booster works based on a combination of WiFi and mobile data, so you can use a significant amount of data. In case you are using a 3G or 4G package, it is recommended to turn on the data limit limit mode, to limit the deduction status to the original account.

I wish you all success!
