Flipping the magic trick suspended above does not have magic

The magician has created a performance hovering in the air from sticking his hands on the wall to fastening himself to the bus, causing the audience to be amazed and curious to discover. Find out what they use 'magic magic' in this unique magic show.

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  • Picture 1 of Flipping the magic trick suspended above does not have magic

    Referring to the hovering mid-air performance, many people will immediately think of the extremely famous magician such as the German street artist Johan Lorbeer, or the Ramada magician with the "hands-on" screen on the wall, or virtual Steven Frayne, a young English magician, shows himself on the side of the bus and travels a long distance.

    They all brought to the audience interesting and mysterious things. But no one could suspect that the performer's secret - flying in the air, sticking to a certain wall was surprisingly simple.

    Picture 2 of Flipping the magic trick suspended above does not have magic

    All the props of this classic performance are just a metal rod that has been hidden in a fake arm, made of soft plastic, just like real hands. It can be attached to any terrain that performers want to deceive the audience like a bus wall or side as our magician has chosen.

    Picture 3 of Flipping the magic trick suspended above does not have magic

    This metal rod runs from the back to the leg of the performer and is hidden under the shirt, pants, and shoes.

    The magician just climbed the ladder and stood up in that position and covered the outside clothes and was able to "transform" in front of the audience.
