Guide to playing Top lane, Baron in Wild Rift League

The role of Baron Road in League: Wild Rift

In Wild Rift, Baron Road is an alternative name for the Top Lane position of the PC version. This is the closest lane to the Baron cave, where the Gladiator and Tank champions have outstanding power. These generals often have ample stamina, decent damage, and impact on teamfights.

A good Baron Lane player is someone who can control his lane consistently, at least without becoming a 'burden' to the team. At least until they get a teammate from the Jungle, and Mid lane comes to support for an advantage.

Picture 1 of Guide to playing Top lane, Baron in Wild Rift League

Good Baron Lane players often know how to suppress the enemy, gain a dominant advantage, thereby attracting the opponent's attention to reduce pressure on other lanes.

  • Take the leading role in skirmishes, drawing damage from opponents.
  • Secure Rift Herald, Baron.
  • Can be teleported to other lanes to gank, looking for an extra advantage.
  • Split push, put pressure on the map, attract attention from the opponent.
  • Outstanding combat ability, is a formidable link in combat.
  • Push the odd line

    Split pushing is an art that not all champions can perform effectively. Champions like Jax, Tryndamere, and Fiora can split push very well because of their abundant damage, mobility, and great 1-on-1 (even 1-on-2, 3).

    Picture 2 of Guide to playing Top lane, Baron in Wild Rift League

    When you notice that the enemy is distracted and moving to other lanes, quickly clear the minions and push to attack the enemy's turret. During split push, you need to pay attention to where the opponent moves, warding will help with this. If they tend to pull towards you to protect the Turret, immediately retreat to safety. At that time, teammates in other lanes will be relieved of pressure. It will be even better if you are confident in your skills and fight against enemy players. But measure yourself.

    However, remember: Split pushing does not mean giving up on teammates when they are in need of help in teamfights. Take advantage of the right time.

    How to play Baron Street well

    Always try to play aggressively to get the advantage, overwhelm the opponent, make them not farm as many soldiers, have to return many times and lose EXP. Split pushing and successful 1v2 fights will provide you with outstanding income, be clever how to perform those two tasks. If not, just force the enemy to farm in the turret, that's your initial success.

    On the contrary, if you are being pinched by the enemy, play it safe to earn gold and experience, avoid confrontation until the jungler comes to support.

    Picture 3 of Guide to playing Top lane, Baron in Wild Rift League

    In mass skirmishes, your task is to harass the enemy squad, be the leader of the battle. Collaborate with support champions and high damage champions in the team to wreak havoc on the enemy.

    If your jungler is Tank or Support, you can wait for them to initiate the fight first, then follow in later.

    Although 'gross' is that, you still need to be clever and calculated enough to create the most harassment for the opponent, at least before sacrificing.

    Crafting for Top Lane generals

    The items you want to build will depend a lot on the situation and the type of champion you play. If you play Tank, you'll want to buy items that have a lot of health, armor, and magic resistance, depending on your opponent's strength.

    If you're playing a typical Gladiator, you'll want to equip yourself with damage-providing items like the Black Ax, the Triple Sword, or the Dance of Death.

    Picture 4 of Guide to playing Top lane, Baron in Wild Rift League

    A great Top laner is always on target in the game. Even if you don't have a lot of profit from killing, you can still make an impact with split push and flexible movement. And don't forget, your presence in combat also has a great effect.

    Wild Rift Alliance
