Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

This group of people will have to perform a variety of tasks, from digging to producing oxygen, just to survive until another day and hopefully appear on the surface of the planet.

Picture 1 of Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

The base game has several research trees, connection features, and a variety of buildings. With many advanced content such as filtering polluted water, overheating, carbon dioxide filtering,. new players can easily get overwhelmed. In this article, learn tips for surviving the harsh environment of Oxygen Not Included.

First things to do in Oxygen Not Included

All players begin by being teleported deep inside a large asteroid. People will notice surface options, material data, and things that can be interacted with. However, don't pay any attention to any of that. Instead, locate the nearest body of water and start digging toward it.

When accessing a water source, set up a water pump to benefit from it. Water is considered one of the most important resources of the game and gamers need to start collecting as quickly as possible.

Picture 2 of Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

While water usage will increase as you progress in the game, beginner players will primarily use water to grow plants and complete advanced research.

Immediately after accessing the water source, start building the toilet area. Characters need a place to cool off, and if players don't create a place to do so within the first few days, chances are they'll get themselves wet.

Picture 3 of Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

This can expose the group to a lot of bacteria, hypothermia, and wasted cleaning time. So just prepare a restroom area first. If you want to move it later, you can destroy the buildings and rebuild it in a new location.

Pay attention to hygiene in the game

Hygiene is really important in this game. If this area grows too much bacteria, it can cause the characters to get many diseases such as slimelung fungus or food poisoning, which comes with various bacteria.

To prevent this, the player needs to place pharmacies everywhere. Ideally, these pharmacies should be located right in front of major pathogen hubs such as restrooms, contaminated water dumps, food preparation areas.

Picture 4 of Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

Of particular note is the swamp biome, this area filled with slime and algae, becoming one of the most unsanitary. But more importantly, it harbors a highly infectious slimelung pathogen that quickly spreads through many areas and reduces yields.

Always exercise caution when building near a swamp biome, and make sure to take some hygiene measures against any characters that may approach it. Let's build some medical buildings nearby and use manual airlocks. It is best for players to avoid this biome completely until exits are discovered.

Picture 5 of Oxygen Not Included tips for beginners

Oxygen Not Included
