Here are 8 reasons why the public toilet door always has space at the bottom

Toilets in crowded public places are often designed close to each other and the toilet door always has space below. Why is that? Everything has its cause, let's find out!

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  • 1. Avoid "oversleeping" in the toilet

    With tight toilets, separate from the noisy space outside, people tend to sit longer, even take advantage of face surfing, 'trafficking' . in it.

    In crowded places, this will increase the overload of toilets. Therefore, it is designed to have a toilet door with a space below so that users know there are people waiting outside and proceed to 'resolve' more quickly.

    2. "Rescue" when paper is out

    The end of the paper while going to the toilet is a bad situation that many people encounter. Then, the space below the door or toilet wall will work, you can ask the person beside or outside to transfer the paper to help.

    Picture 1 of Here are 8 reasons why the public toilet door always has space at the bottom

    3. Unpleasant smell does not haunt the room

    It will be 'extreme' when you enter the bathroom and the smell of others is still "concentrated" in it. Therefore, people have installed the toilet door with the space below so that the odor escapes faster, not haunting in the room.

    4. In case of an emergency

    In emergency situations like fire, door jam . the gap below the door will make it easier for you to escape.

    Or if unfortunately there are people in distress inside, outsiders can easily detect and help in time.

    5. Cost savings

    Obviously, installing a short door will save more cost and effort than the long door. In addition, the short doors will reduce the scratching of the floor or the bottom corner of the door by pulling it in and out many times.

    Picture 2 of Here are 8 reasons why the public toilet door always has space at the bottom

    6. Prevent negative behaviors

    Many people often use the toilet to carry out negative behaviors such as 'doing it', fighting, smoking, using drugs . The space below the door will help the bathroom less separate. private and prevent those behaviors.

    7. Check availability

    The door is closed, you are confused whether this toilet room is available or not. Just lean over and look through the gap, you will get the answer right away.

    Picture 3 of Here are 8 reasons why the public toilet door always has space at the bottom

    8. Easier cleaning

    Empty slots under the door will make the toilet's water easier to escape, avoiding slippery floors, and easy cleaning.

    See also: When going to a public toilet, you should choose this room because it is "clean"
