How to remove background noise when making video calls on Apple devices

Video calls and conferencing are now becoming the solution for many teleworkers during the Covid-19 season. But the fact that you make calls at home with a lot of noise around your environment will affect the call quality. Krisp will help you solve all the aforementioned, apply with Zoom, Skype, FaceTime and many other video or audio calling services on Mac, iPhone and iPad.

Download Krisp at , you can use the free package of Krisp with 2 hours of use on one device for one day and the next the same. If the frequency of meetings and calls more you can refer to the use of a paid plan from 3.3 USD / month.

This application uses artificial intelligence (AI) to block out noisy sounds around it, and the performance it brings will improve over time by learning and adapting gradually to your voice.


1. On a Mac:

After you install the application on your Mac computer, the application runs in the background and is indicated by the icon located on the top menu bar.

And with any calling app like Zoom, Skype or FaceTime, you need to reconfigure the microphone device for that application from the system microphone to the Krisp's AI microphone. Then make a call to see the effect that the application brings.

Picture 1 of How to remove background noise when making video calls on Apple devices

Select Krisp as the default microphone for listening and calling applications

2. On iPhone and iPad:

After installing the application, you create an account and log into the application.

In the application will have a separate caller with AI that automatically removes noise from the surrounding environment. You can use your phone number to make calls (currently the application only supports 2 countries: USA and Canada).

Or you can connect to the Calendar app to link to Zoom or other video calling services, then join those meetings directly from within the Krisp app.
