Kali Linux commands from AZ and commonly used commands

Kali Linux is an open-source, free, Linux-based operating system, widely used by hackers, security and testers. This operating system supports tools for penetration testing, system and website vulnerability scans, so it is very useful in studying and researching security.

  • 10 most useful Linux commands
  • How to scan websites for potential security vulnerabilities with Vega on Kali Linux
  • How to install and use Kali Linux on VmWare virtual machine
  • However, to use this operating system, users often use commands rather than manipulating through the graphical interface. Therefore, we have compiled Kali Linux commands from AZ with some commonly used Kali Linux commands to help you easily manipulate this operating system.

    Combine Kali Linux commands from A to Z

    Kali Linux CommandAapropos Function Search manual page (like man -k) apt-get Search and install the software package (Debian) or use it for major upgrades aptitude Search and install the software package (Debian) or use for regular aspell update Check awk spelling Find and replace text, sort / specify / index database Bbasename Remove (Strip) directory and suffix from bc Language name GNU Bourne-Again Shell bash file language calculation with arbitrary bg accuracy Send to background break Exit the builtin loop Run shell builtin bzip2 Compress or decompress the file named Cal Display case Make a cat conditional command Connect and print (display ) contents of cd file Change cfdisk directory Operate partrition table for Linux (edit, create partition) chgrp Change ownership n chmod change chown access Change file and group chroot ownership Run command with another root directory chkconfig system services (runlevel) cksum Print CRC checksum and count clear byte Delete cmp terminal screen Compare 2 files comm Compare two files sorted by command line Run commands - ignore shell continue functions Continue the next loop of cp loop Copy 1 or more files to another location cron Daemon help execute the commands that have been raised crontab calendar Schedule a running time-out command to csplit Split a file into contextual sections cut Split a file into multiple parts Date Display or change the date and time of the desktop Desktop (supports arithmetic notation dd) dd Convert and copy file, write disk header, create boot records (USB boot) ddrescue Restore tool declare data variable declaration and their properties df Show empty disk space diff Display the difference between two diff3 files Display the difference between 3 dig files DNS lookup list Content directory one how to summarize dircolors Set color for `ls' dirname Convert the full path name to path (dir) dirs Show list of remembered directories dmesg Print kernel & notification driver du Estimate file size using Echo Show display message on screen egrep Search for files that match the eject extension expression Remove removable media such as USB, external hard drive enable Enable or disable shell builtin env Environment variables (Variables environment) ethtool Eval Ethernet card settings Evaluation of several commands / exec arguments Execute a command exit Exit shell expect Applications are accessed automatically, arbitrarily via the terminal expand Convert tabs into spaces (space) export Set an environment variable expr Evaluate the Flfalse expressions Nothing, unsuccessful fdformat Low-level format of a floppy disk fdisk Check partitions on Linux fg Transfer a job to foreground fgrep Search for files with rows that match fixed strings Determine find file types Search files that meet desired criteria want fmt Reformat the fold text Combine text to match the specified width for Extend words, and execute Format disk format or tape (tape) free Displays the amount of memory used fsck Detect and fix errors on filesystem ftp File Transfer Protocol function Function definition fuser macro Determine and interrupt the process of accessing the fileGgawk Find and replace the text in the getopts file Parameter analysis by location grep Search for the file with the matching line for the groupadd Add user to the groupdel Delete group groupmod Edit group groups Print the group name containing the gzip user Compress or unzip the file named Hhash Remember the full path name of the head name argument Provide the first part of the help file Show help for the integrated history command hostname command Print or name the systemIiconv Convert character set of id file Print user ID and group if Execute command ifconfig Configure network interface (network interface) ifdown Stop network interface ifup Start network interface import Take a screenshot of the X server and save the image to the install Sa file o copy the file and set the propertiesJjobs List the jobs that are doing the join Join the lines on a common fieldKkill Stop the running process killall Stop the process by name Show the output of a screen at the same time let Calculate on shell variables Create symbolic link to local file Make variable locate Find logname file Print current login name logout Exit look login shell Show lines starting with the given string lpc Lpr control control Turn off the printer lprint Print lprintd file Stop printing in lprintq List lprm print queue Remove jobs on print queue ls List information about lsof file List open fileMake recompile a program group man Instructions for using mkdir Create mail new item mkfifo Create FIFO (named pipe) mkisofs Create filesystem ISO9660 / JOLIET / HFS hybrid mknod Create a block or character for a special file more Show output a screen at the same time mount Mount a mtools file system Manipulate MS-DOS mtr files Network diagnostics (traceroute / ping) mv Move or rename files or mmv folders Move or rename multiple files or folders Netstat Nice network information Set priority for commands or jobs nl Number lines and write Nohup Run command without hanging notification -send Send message on nslookup screen Query DNSOopen Open file with default application op Operator accessPpasswd Modify user paste password Merge lines in pathchk file Check portability of ping file name Check pkill Internet connection stop process running popd Restore previous value of current directory pr Prepare file to print printcap Potential printer database printenv In environment variable printf Format and print data ps Pushd progress status Save and then change the current directory pwd Print Working Directory (Print working directory) Qquota Show display the amount of used disk space and quotacheck limits Scan the file using how much quotactl disk space Set the drive quotaRram ram disk device rcp Copy files between two read engines Read a line from standard input readarray Read the stdin from an array variable readonly Mark the variable / function as read-only - readonly reboot Reboot the rename system Rename the renice file Change the priority of the running process remsync Synchronize files remotely email return Exit shell rev function Reverse lines of rm file Delete rmdir file Delete directory rs ync Copy remote files (Synchronize file trees) Sscreen Rumble terminal channel, run remote shell via ssh scp Secure copy (remote file copy) sdiff Merge two interactive files sed Editor select select Accept input from keyboard seq Print serial number set Set sftp Secure File Transfer Protocol shift variables and shell functions Change shopt parameter parameters Shutdown shell options Turn off or restart Linux sleep Delay in a certain time slocate Search file sort Arrange source text files Run commands from a split file Split files into fixed-size sections ssh Secure Shell client (remote login) strace Track system call and signal su Replace user sudo identity Execute root sum command Print checksum for suspend file Pause th c show symlink shell New name for file sync Synchronize data on disk with memoryTtail Export end of tar file Compress or decompress .tar tee file Redirect output to multiple test files Evaluate a conditional expression time Measure the run time of the program times Time user and touch system Change the timestamp of the top file List the running processes on the traceroute system Track the route to Host trap Run the command when a signal is set up Translating, restricting, and / or deleting true characters Doing nothing, succeeding tsort Type of tty topology Print the name of the terminal on stdin type Describe a commandUulimit User resource limit umask Setting permissions when file, folder newly created umount Unmount an unalias device Delete alias uname Print system information unexpand C space conversion to uniq tab Single files units Convert units from one ratio to another unset Remove function names or unshar variables script until the archive until Execute the command (until error) uptime Show time activity useradd Create new usermod user account Edit user users account List users currently logged in uuencode Encrypt binary files uudecode Decrypt files created by uuencodeVv List directory contents (`ls -l -b ') vdir List directory contents (`ls -l -b') en vmstat text editor Report virtual memory statistics Wait for the process to complete watch Perform / display a recurring program wc Print byte number, word, line whereis Search for $ path of user, bearing page and source file for program which Search for $ path of user for application file while executing who command Print all users who are logged in whoami Print the current ID and user name (`id -un ') wget Retrieve the website or file via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP write Send a message to other usersXxargs Run the utility, skip the argument list built xdg-open Open the file or URL in the user's preferred applicationYyesIn a string until interrupted

    Move command, listed in Kali Linux

    pwd shows the working directory name. insert the user's home directory.cd ~ / Desktopdi to the user's Desktop folder.cd . move to the parent directory of the current directory.cd / usr / apt move to / usr / apt directory . ls -l folder
    dir -l folder details the files and folders in the current directory, or folder folder . ls -a folder
    dir -a folder lists all files and folders (including hidden) in the current folder, or folder folder . ls -d folder
    dir -d folder lists folders in the current directory, or folder folder . ls -t folder
    dir -t folder lists files and folders in the current directory, or folder folder , and then reorder by date, nearest to the top and then display. ls -S folder
    dir -S folder lists the files and folders in the current directory, or in the folder folder , then sort by size, the largest above and then displays. ls folder | more lists files and folders in the current directory, or in the folder folder and displays on each page.

    Distributed file permissions

    chown userfile identifies the owner of the file file as the user . chown -R userfolder determines who owns the folder folder is the user . chgrp groupfile defines the group of file owners. chmod u + x file grant permission (+) executable (x) file file for user (u) owned. chmod gw file to collect (-) write (w) file for user group (g) owned. chmod or file captures (-) reads the file (r) for other users (o). chmod a + rw file grant (+) read (r) and write (w) file for the entire user (a). chmod -R a + rw folder grant (+) read (r) and write (w) folder folder and messages and sub files for the entire user (a).

    The Kali Linux command manipulates files and folders

    cp file1file2 copy file file1 to new file2 . Copy the folderfile to copy the file to the folder folder and keep the name. cp -r folder1folder2
    rsync -a folder1folder2 copies the folder1 folder and subdirectories to the new folder2 folder. mv file1file2 moves file1 to new file2 . mv folder1folder2 move the folder1 folder to the new folder2 name. mv filefolder moves the file to the folder folder and keeps the name. mv file1folderfile2 moves the file to the folder folder and renames it into a mkdir folder2file to create the folder folder . mkdir -p folder1folder2 creates folder1 folder and folder2 folder (if not yet) rm file deletes the file . rmdir folder deletes the empty folder folder . rm -rf folder deletes the folder folder and subfolder files (rf). ln -s filelink creates link (shortcut) link to file . find folder -name file to find the file file in the folder folder and subdirectories. diff filefile compares the contents of two files or two directories

    The Kali Linux command works with file content

    cat file export the entire file content to the Terminal screen. more file to export the content of file file by page, Enter down one line, Space down one page and q to exit less file to export file file contents, like more commands but can use Page Down button. head -n file displays the first n lines of the file file . tail -n file displays the last n lines of the micro file file compiling the file file with the vi editor. nano file compiles file file with nano editor. gedit file compiles file file with gedit editor. grep the filetext to export the lines containing the text in the file file grep -r textfolder find the text in all the files in the command > folderfile, write the output to the Terminal of the command to the command file file >> The file writes the output to the Terminal of the command at the end of the file

    Command Kali Linux basic system

    The sudo command executes the command with superuser permissions. gksudo command is similar to the sudo command but used for GUI applications. sudo -k stops processes with superuser rights. uname -r shows the version of the kernel you are using. shutdown -r now immediately turns off and reboots. lsusb
    lspci lists the USB or PCI devices that are connected. The time command indicates the time to execute commandcommand1 |command2 passes the result of command1 as the input of command2

    Kali Linux command controls the process

    ps -ef shows all the processes that have been performed (pid et ppid) .ps aux shows detailed processes. aux aux | grep soft shows details of the processes related to the soft kill pid program that turns off the xid process to turn off the GUI process.

    Kali Linux commands work with computer networks

    / etc / network / interfacesfile configuring the network interfaceuname -a
    hostname shows the name of the computer in the network (hostname). ping address Ping to the address of the address . ifconfig -a displays information about existing network cards. ifconfig interface ip-address specifies the static ip address for the specified network card. ifdown interface
    ifconfig interface down stops the specified network card operation. ifup pid
    ifconfig interface up starts the specified network card. route add default gw ip-address specifies the default gateway address. routing del default leaves the default gateway address.

    Kali Linux command partition hard drive

    / etc / fstab file contains information about the hard drive and file system automatically mounted. fdisk - lists the current hard drives and partitions.fdisk / dev / hda1 changes the hard drive hda1mkfs.ext3 / dev / hda1 create ext3 file system on hard drive hda1.mkfs.vfat / dev / hda1 create fat32 file system on hda1 hard drive

    Hopefully, the commands on using your Kali Linux operating system will be easier.

    Explore more:

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  • ncG1vNJzZmismaXArq3KnmWcp51kuKK4yGajoqalrXqku8ymmKeco2Kzs7vMZpizZZGjsW6vzqakqKacrnq2v8SdZJynnaKur7DS