Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

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  • Being rich is easier said than done . With so many books on financial success and how to make money today, the only logical thing is that you should ask yourself why 1% is still 1%.

    Although I - the author of the article - took part in some personal financial management classes when I was in college, I still felt struggling to make ends meet. Once I and my wife did not have enough money to buy chewing gum - even though it was not a luxury.

    Picture 1 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    In frustration, I decided to start a trip to find out why my life was like that. I want to know why some people can make easy money and build money like that.

    What I know is amazing. In this article, I will share these tips with you, it's not about willpower. No need to be too prone to money or inflation, I just want to share the usual 15 habits of the rich .

    1. Challenge and ask yourself questions

    Everyday, rich people often ask themselves questions about beliefs or things that are supposed to be true. Becoming rich is just a matter of analytical thinking. Even if you are around people who share a common sense of life, chances are you will never find the inspiration to think differently.

    Therefore, there is only the phrase ' Cowardly Cowardly, Code Code '. If a sheep wants to learn how to hunt, it must live with wolves.

    It's easier said than done because it is the person we just like to live in our comfort. Most people think only as creative as what their cover allows. Even if being rich is your goal, you must be open about good things when there are people around you who think differently.

    2. Live in the future

    ' I am living in the future, so now is my past .' - Kanye West

    People who have wealth or earn a lot of money are not foretold prophets or witches; They are ordinary people like you and me. But one thing they do every day is trying to predict future trends .

    Picture 2 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    Everyday Steve Jobs still has this habit and it is often known as the foundation for many Apple patent products. Steve Jobs seems to know what people will want even before they know they want it. Sometimes those products themselves do not exist.

    When it comes to building wealth, a daily routine of practicing how to predict which challenges are waiting for us ahead. As Warren Buffett once said: ' Someone sitting in the shade today is because someone has planted a tree a long time ago .'

    3. Outsourcing busy jobs

    Becoming rich is simply about time management . Every day, you will definitely accumulate a fair amount of busy work. The way you manage boring tasks but this important seems to determine how successful you will become.

    Every day before you start, keep in mind the things that make you go astray and find ways to ask someone to do these tasks for you. If you have to do them, keep an eye out for time spent on them.

    4. Exercise daily

    Picture 3 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    The most common justification for not exercising is not having enough time . The rich are the ones with the least free time but they rarely use those excuses. That's because they understand that health and joy are priceless.

    5. Eat healthy

    Healthy eating is accompanied by daily exercise but it also needs to be mentioned. Buy fresh produce to create a balanced and healthy diet, whether organic or not, it will cost more than a Cheetos bag (the brand of Snack, which is idolized in countries in the Americas and Europe. Europe ) and a can of Coca-Cola.

    However, the first tip to enjoy the results brought about by financial investments is to invest in yourself first . Besides, the money you spend when you don't spend on medicine will be far more than the amount you spend on vegetables or cauliflower.

    6. Simple life

    ' If you buy things you don't need, you'll quickly sell what you need .' - Warren Buffet

    When it comes to simplicity, I do not refer to the wealthy living in a tiny house without electricity and only one chair. I only meant to say that they actively practiced not living in excess .

    When building wealth, they develop a habit of determining what is important and what is luxury , which is a habit that is always associated with them. They may start enjoying some luxuries like beautiful homes, cars or some famous fashion houses but it is still within their capabilities and is often just one or two things already mentioned. After all, you can only live in many homes and drive multiple cars for a moment.

    Picture 4 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    7. Read books daily to improve yourself

    ' Reading is like exercise for the mind .' - Joseph Addison

    With so many great classics in the world today, one can only read one book every day and never read them again. Through books we learn a lot about the history, nature of people, lifestyles and other cultures in the world.

    Most poor people often say they don't like to read or simply don't have time to read. This is sad because they have missed a great treasure of knowledge.

    The class of rich people in society always actively use this knowledge to cultivate their minds and calm their hearts. And if the rich don't have time to read, they take advantage of modern technology to listen to audio recordings of books during the time they travel.

    As Thomas Corley said: ' The rich don't avoid watching TV because they have self-discipline and willpower. They don't think about watching many TVs because they are busy with some other daily habits - Reading . '

    8. Learn new things every day

    ' Risks come from not knowing what you're doing .' - Warren Buffet

    Money is made from proactive attachment to the world and at the same time there is a burning desire to understand it. Knowing this, rich people consciously try to learn how to understand new things every day.

    By learning and understanding the world - how people work, you will be able to predict well the learning / needs of learning and the benefits earned from it when opportunities arise.

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  • 9. Express gratitude

    Picture 5 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    Gratitude is not only a great tool for the rich, it is also a great daily practice routine for anyone. When you often have a lot of people around you, expressing a sincere attitude is a good way to have positive opinions about you. Besides, the rich also have a habit of thanking someone with a gift or a card.

    10. Stay away from TV and social networks

    Nearly 70% of the wealthy class watched less than 1 hour a day, while 23% of the poor did the same.

    Just being poor makes you feel full of pressure. In addition to a meaningless, mediocre and low-paying job, it is understandable why so many poor people feel more comfortable when " switching off" thinking about life and work and sitting in front of a TV screen.

    Reality TV, sports TV, Facebook and Twitter, all are modern tools that distract us so that we can temporarily forget the misery of being poor. The problem is the amount of time it takes for you to forget about your problems, which is also the time you can invest in fixing this problem.

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  • Picture 6 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    11. Get up early

    Waking up in the morning to rush to work is not the same as getting up early enough to have time to think and think before going to work . The rich often practice getting up early.

    Think of this time as a time to start, allowing your mind to be ready for immediate challenges. Early rising is an extremely effective tool for the rich to reconsider themselves and their everyday weapons.

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  • 12. Teach children how to think independently

    We have proven that rich people read and learn a lot . However, it is important to know that they also pass on the habit of seeking knowledge and understanding for their children and grandchildren.

    Many wealthy parents give their children challenges to find their own beliefs. They actively engage with their children and grandchildren in intellectual conversations about what is similar and different in their opinions without any assessment.

    Wealthy parents understand the responsibility of having their children find their own path .

    Picture 7 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    13. Meet a new person every day

    Recent studies show that most people are afraid of speaking in public. However, rich people overcome this fear by meeting, engaging or simply talking to a new person every day . Practicing this habit will help you build the confidence you need to reach larger groups.

    14. Make a list of things to do during the day

    ' I think the goal is a big goal, but the rich say that a wish is not a goal .' - Thomas Corley

    According to an article, more than 80% of the rich have a list of things to do during the day. They not only wrote a to-do list carefully but they followed it too. In order to become rich and keep up, you need to know what to do and focus to accomplish it.

    Picture 8 of Want to become rich, remember to maintain 15 routine habits below!

    15. Simplify things

    Wealthy people " are forced " to make important decisions within a few days. Often these decisions involve thousands of dollars of risk, if not millions of dollars. Even then, the human mind is only able to make many decisions in one day, big or small.

    Knowing this, rich people try to simplify things around them to eliminate the boring sundry decisions of " garbage " their lives like what to wear or what to eat for lunch.

    Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg are two rich men known for this habit. Living simple, uncomplicated basic things are the daily habits of the rich.

    ' These habits are like snow - they thicken and then, you have an avalanche with success .' - Thomas Corley

    Author: Deji Akingbade

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