CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

Before using any program or application, we first need to learn about the layout / interface of that software first. And with the program CorelDRAW is no exception, we will learn about CorelDRAW first.

I. Quick Start Dialog

When you just start the program, a dialog box called Quick Start appears that allows you to quickly create a new drawing or quickly open an existing drawing on the machine. In addition, the dialog box also allows access to learning tools, checking for program updates, etc.

Picture 1 of CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

In this dialog box, the commonly used function is New blank document, which in Vietnamese means a new blank document, and when you select it, the Create a New Document dialog box will appear with the interface as shown below.

In this dialog you can set technical parameters such as the name of the drawing, paper size, number of pages, color mode, resolution, etc.

Picture 2 of CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

  • Name: The name of the drawing that you will create by default is named Untitled-1, Untitled-2, Untitled-3…
  • Preset Destination: You can roughly understand where your drawing will appear last like to a website, to a printer or to a photo.
  • Size: The size of the paper you will be working on. You can choose from existing paper sizes or create a new one yourself. By entering values ​​in the Width and Height fields below.
  • Number of pages: Number of pages to create.
  • Primary color mode: The color mode you can choose is RGB tricolor mode or CMYK four color mode.
  • Rendering resolution: The resolution of the drawing can be adjusted as you publish.
  • Review mode: Preview mode.
  • II. CorelDRAW . main interface

    The interface of the CorelDRAW program is similar to other programs including components such as title bar, menu bar, standard toolbar, status bar, etc.

    There are also additional properties bar, toolbox, palette, etc. details of the functionality of the components are listed below.

    Picture 3 of CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

  • Title bar: Displays the title of the drawing.
  • Menu bar: Contains submenus and commands.
  • Standard Toolbar: Contains commonly used commands such as open, save, print, etc.
  • Property Bar: Contains commands related to the currently selected tool and will change according to the tool you are using.
  • Rulers: Horizontal and vertical rulers that you use to define the size and position of objects in the drawing.
  • Toolbox: Contains tools for creating and modifying objects in the drawing.
  • Document Window: A workspace area surrounded by scroll bars including the drawing page and surrounding areas.
  • Drawing Page: It is a rectangle where the objects contained herein will be printed.
  • Color Palette: The palette contains color swatches.
  • Document Navigator: Allows you to add pages to a document or move between pages.
  • Document palette: Contains swatches of the open drawing.
  • Status bar: Displays information about object properties such as type, size, color, etc.
  • III. Setting and setting parameters for a page

    The page properties bar allows you to adjust page settings such as paper size, size, page orientation, spacing units, etc.

    To use the page's property bar, press the Space key on the keyboard or select the Picktool tool in the toolbox, in the order of function of each command button as follows:

    Picture 4 of CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

  • Select the available paper sizes (sizes) such as A0, A1, A2, A3, …
  • Enter the width and height of the page as you like
  • Vertical or horizontal page orientation
  • Apply dimensions to all pages in a drawing
  • Apply size to current page
  • Select the unit of length measurement
  • You can navigate the pages in the drawing using the navigation bar at the bottom right of the application window, in the order of function of each command button as follows:

    Picture 5 of CorelDRAW X6 interface overview, and CorelDRAW X6 KEYS to know

  • Go to the first page.
  • Go to previous page.
  • Open the go to page dialog.
  • Go to the next page.
  • Go to the last page.
  • Add new page.
  • Click on any page tab to go to that page.
  • IV. Shortcut keys and shortcut combinations

    In addition to using the mouse to create waterfalls with CorelDRAW, you can use keyboard shortcuts and shortcut combinations to create faster and shorten the time to complete the product. In the beginning you may not know much, but after a while of use, you will certainly know the shortcuts and combinations of these shortcuts listed below.

    1. Shortcuts to manipulate files in CorelDRAW

    firstnewCtrl + FEMALE
    2OpenCtrl + O
    3SaveCtrl + WILL
    4Save AsCtrl + Shift + WILL
    5ImportCtrl + I
    6ExportCtrl + E
    7PrintCtrl + P
    8ExitAlt + F4

    2. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate EDIT in CorelDRAW

    firstUndoCtrl + Z
    2RedoCtrl + Shift + Z
    3RepeatCtrl + CHEAP
    4CutCtrl + X
    5CopyCtrl +
    6PasteCtrl + DRAW
    8Symbol => Symbol ManagerCtrl + F3
    9DuplicateCtrl + EASY
    tenStep and RepeatCtrl + Shift + EASY
    11Find and Replace => Find ObjectsCtrl + F
    twelfthObject PropertiesAlt + Enter

    3. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate VIEW in CorelDRAW

    firstFull-Screen PreviewF9
    2View ManagerCtrl + F2
    3Snap to => Document GridCtrl + Y
    4Snap to => ObjectsAlt + Z
    5Dynamic GuidesAlt + Shift + EASY
    6Alignment GuidesAlt + Shift + A

    4. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate Arrange in CorelDRAW

    firstTransformations => PositionAlt + F7
    2Transformations => RotateAlt + F8
    3Transformations => ScaleAlt + F9
    4Transformations => SizeAlt + F10
    5Align and Distribute => Align LeftOFFER
    6Align and Distribute => Align RightCHEAP
    7Align and Distribute => Align TopBILLION
    8Align and Distribute => Align BottomREMOVE
    9Align and Distribute => Align Centers HorizontallyE
    tenAlign and Distribute => Align Centers VerticallyOLD
    11Align and Distribute => Center to PageP
    twelfthOrder => To front of PageCtrl + Home
    13Order => To Back of PageCtrl + End
    14Order => To Front of LayerShift + Page Up
    15Order => To Back of LayerShift + Page Down
    16Order => Forward OneCtrl + Page Up
    17Order => Backward OneCtrl + Page Down
    18GroupCtrl + WOOD
    19UngroupCtrl + U
    20CombineCtrl + ERROR
    21Break ApartCtrl + KY
    22Convert to CurvesCtrl + Q
    23Convert Outline to ObjectCtrl + Shift + Q

    5. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate Effects in CorelDRAW

    firstAdjust => Brightness/Contrast/IntensityCtrl + REMOVE
    2Adjust => Color BalanceCtrl + Shift + CANCEL
    3Adjust => Hue/saturation/LightnessCtrl + Shift + U
    4ContourCtrl + F9
    5EnvelopeCtrl + F7
    6LensCtrl + F3

    6. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate Text in CorelDRAW

    firstText PropertiesCtrl +
    2Edit TextCtrl + Shift + UP
    3Insert Symbol CharacterCtrl + F11
    4Insert Formating Code => Non-breaking HypenCtrl + Shift + -
    5Insert Formating Code => Optional HypenCtrl + -
    6Align to BaselineAlt + F12
    7Writing Tools => Spell CheckCtrl + F12
    8ConvertCtrl + F8

    7. Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate Tools in CorelDRAW

    firstOptionsCtrl + J
    2View ManagerCtrl + F2
    3Color StylesCtrl + F6
    4Object StylesCtrl + F5
    5Macros => Macro ManagerAlt + Shift + F11
    6Macros => Macro EditorAlt + F11
    7Macros => VSTA EditorAlt + Shift + F12
    8Macros => Stop RecordingCtrl + Shift + O
    9Macros => Record Temporary MacroCtrl + Shift + RED
    tenMacros => Run Temporary MacroCtrl + Shift + P

    8. Help

    Comeinand Keystrokes
    Help TopicsF1

    9. Window

    Comeinand Keystrokes
    Refresh WindowCtrl + W


    OK, so in this tutorial, I have guided you through the overview interface of the CorelDRAW X6 program, and at the same time, I have also summarized the shortcuts commonly used in the CorelDRAW program with you.

    I would like to pause my pen here, in the next article I will introduce you to the functions of the tools in the Toolbox toolbox.

    Hope the article is useful. See you in the next article.
