How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

Has a website told you to add a Ubuntu Repository? Then follow these Steps. Any changes require you to be in the 'sudo' user group and have your password handy. Open the Ubuntu Software Centre.

Method 1 of 2:

Disable and Enable "Ubuntu Software" Repositories

  • Picture 1 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    Open the Ubuntu Software Centre.

  • Picture 2 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    Click on "Edit". If you can't see it, try hovering over "Ubuntu Software Centre".

  • Picture 3 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    Click on "Software Sources...".

  • Picture 4 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    If you want to enable/disable "Ubuntu Software" Repositories, just check/uncheck the tick boxes to the right of each repository entry. A minus (-) like the default setting for "Source Code" means only part of it is enabled (by the way, source code means "let me download source code for all my "Ubuntu Software" repositories"). To add/remove/edit/enable/disable a different repository, continue to Method 2.

  • Method 2 of 2:

    Add/remove/edit/enable/disable "Other Software" Repositories

  • Picture 5 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    Click "Other Software" to open the "Other Software" section

  • Picture 6 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    Tick the check box next to a repository to enable the respective repository, and Vice Versa (uncheck the box to disable the repository).

  • Picture 7 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    To remove a repository, click it's entry in the list and then click the button labeled "Remove".

  • Picture 8 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    To add a CD, click "Add Volume..." and Ubuntu will add the inserted disk. To add a regular repository click "Add..." and Paste or type in the APT Line into the text box. Then Press enter. After adding a repository, the Ubuntu Software Centre will start updating your local cache of software.

  • Picture 9 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    You can Edit an entry, but we recommend Removing it and then Adding it with the new details.However, if you really want to, click the entry and click "Edit...". You will then be greeted with a prompt to enter the Repository information.

  • Picture 10 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    If you need to add a Signing Key, click on "Authentication". Then click on "Import Key File..." and select the file.

  • Picture 11 of How to Edit Ubuntu Repositories

    When you are done, click Close.

  • Samuel Daniel Samuel Daniel

    Update 04 March 2020
