Being alone is not eccentric but a sign of people with high IQ

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  • According to many studies that have proven, those who feel happy and happy to spend a lot of time alone, separate from others, are those with high IQ.

    Being alone is lonely, isolated from society or eccentric? In fact, this is not wrong when you prefer to spend more time with yourself than social exchange. That's when you need time for yourself, creating relaxation both spiritually and physically.

    Picture 1 of Being alone is not eccentric but a sign of people with high IQ

    If you think that those who enthusiastically participate in social activities, enjoy the gatherings of friends and relatives will be happy and intelligent, then this is not entirely accurate. Do not believe it? British Psychologists have studied and addressed the issue of how an individual's level of intelligence, how the population density and friendship affect happiness.

    Researchers surveyed 15,000 people between the ages of 15 and 28 and found the results surprising. People with high IQ are rarely satisfied with crowded activities. They often spend more time alone and feel happy, happy because of that. The research leader, psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa said: 'Population density and social correlation are closely related to an individual's feelings and emotions. People surveyed expressed satisfaction when they were alone as a group of people with high IQ '.

    Picture 2 of Being alone is not eccentric but a sign of people with high IQ

    Do you know why smart people like to be alone? And what do they focus on when they are alone? People with high IQ often spend some time to meet friends or gather to eat because they do not want to be interrupted by their focus on their work, projects and thoughts. In particular, those who work require creativity and research to feel happy even if they are alone.

    When you are in a crowd, you tend to follow what others do. When you are in your own space, outside of the crowd influences, you can completely do what you want.

    Some people will draw, others will cook, read, write or compose music. There are many ways for people to be creative, and their own space will help you discover your special interests and abilities.

    Picture 3 of Being alone is not eccentric but a sign of people with high IQ

    On the other hand, is there an opinion that preferring to be alone is not suitable for community development today? The brains of modern people have many similarities with the primitive people's brains. That means people will be smarter if they integrate and compete when they live in a community environment.

    Of course, we cannot deny this. But people with high IQ are not the people who are completely separate from the community. Being separate and living independently are two concepts that cannot be equated.

    People who like to live alone are sometimes because they want to take the time to connect internally, thereby helping them adapt and balance in every situation. Their big goal is to tap their full potential.
