Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

Steam is one of the largest distribution platforms for copyrighted games on PC today. This means that Steam owns a large number of PC games for you to explore and experience. If you are still confused about choosing a game, this article will give you the Top 15 free games available on Steam.

Article table of contents

  • OpenTTD
  • Dinner With an Owl
  • A Raven Monologue
  • Cry of Fear
  • The Super
  • Stories Untold
  • Off-peak
  • The Expendabros
  • Babble Royale
  • Destiny 2
  • Card Hunter
  • Dota 2
  • Warframe
  • Team Fortress 2
  • EVE Online
  • OpenTTD

    OpenTTD is a relatively old open-source remake of the sim game. However, it is still quite great for you to experience, especially for those who love the type of management and construction games.

    Picture 1 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    It has relatively simple graphics but the city simulation is done quite well by OpenTTD as you can experience the acceleration and torque for the train going uphill. This game can also be easily modded, allowing you to discover more interesting things.

    Dinner With an Owl

    This is a surreal adventure that plunges you into a mystery surrounding dinner with a giant owl. You will have to talk to other guests to be able to escape the spell of the hidden dinner party.

    Picture 2 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    At the same time, players need to uncover the secrets of the host. Dinner With an Owl is a relatively short game, but it's worth your time to experience, discover interesting mysteries and surprises.

    A Raven Monologue

    This is a short story about a mute crow trying to interact with the townspeople. A Raven Monologue is described as a story conveyed through the use of limited interactive artwork.

    Picture 3 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    This game is relatively short, easy to play, suitable for anyone who wants to experience a light game.

    Cry of Fear is a horror game set in a deserted town filled with monstrous creatures. You will play the role of a young man looking for answers on a cold Scandinavian night. You will need to find your way through the city, facing unannounced nightmares.

    Picture 4 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Cry of Fear is a modification of Half-Life 1, set in the same way as classic survival horror games. You can feel free to experience it because it's completely free. However, it should be noted that it is a game not for the faint of heart.

    The Super

    The Supper is a classic adventure game with puzzles and a creepy story to go with it. You will transform into an old lady who runs an inn famous for her "special sauce".
    Picture 5 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    This game is also relatively short but still provides an interesting experience when you start serving your evil stew to a few diners.

    Stories Untold

    Stories Untold is an experimental narrative-driven adventure game that makes it a very special title. The game consists of 4 small stories that combine to form a mysterious anthology that attracts players.

    Picture 6 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    The game brings a sense of adventure and mystery to stimulate the player's curiosity through images and words leading to the main story.


    Off-Peak is a place where you are transported to the future, where you are stuck at a station where everything is strange. You need to chat with the quirky residents of the station and explore the twisty passages of the station and uncover the little anecdotes while piecing together the meanings of the pieces.

    Picture 7 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Usually it will only take about half an hour for you to finish playing this game. However, the experience it gives you in terms of sound and picture is completely worth it

    The Expendabros

    Tired of discovering and experiencing the mysterious and horror games above? Give The Expendabros a try. This is a game based on the movie The Expendables.

    Picture 8 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    You will play as one of 7 mercenaries who seek to destroy the ruthless arms dealer Conrad Stonebanks in the forests of Eastern Europe. The special thing about this game is that each character will have a unique weapon and special attacks. You can also combine with other players to quickly clear the game.

    Babble Royale

    Bored of simple games? Let's try to stress a little with Babble Royale. This is a survival puzzle game. You will participate in a high speed word match war.

    Picture 9 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Quickly eliminate your opponent by matching your word with your opponent first. This game will help you train your mind and English vocabulary.

    Destiny 2

    You will experience the feeling of shooting in space with your teammates.

    Picture 10 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Destiny 2 offers many different shooting modes and high quality graphics to help you have the most enjoyable experience.

    Card Hunter

    Card Hunter is a team role-playing game based on collecting cards. You will fight through dungeons under the guidance of a dungeon master. At the same time you will need to level up your hero team by strengthening your deck.

    Picture 11 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    This game will definitely be more interesting if you invite your friends to play with you to fight through each battle.

    Dota 2

    Dota 2 is a very familiar name to many gamers, so of course it is not strange that it is on this list.

    Picture 12 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Dota 2 is a team fighting game, you will use the skills of the selected general to fight with your teammates and destroy the enemy's buildings. Each Dota 2 match can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. This is one of the most profound and complex games in the world.


    This third-person action RPG about futuristic ninjas can be daunting for new players, but if you stick with it, you'll find it's a very enjoyable game. Through short missions you will upgrade your character and discover more about the game world.

    Picture 13 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    Not only that, this game also has a mode to play with friends, making it easier for you to collect more rewards.

    Team Fortress 2

    As one of the highest-rated games of all time, don't hesitate to experience Team Fortress 2.

    Very few shooters can do what this game has done is have an extremely interesting character system. For example, The Spy, this character can disguise himself as an enemy general to easily destroy enemy equipment as well as conduct assassinations on the opponent. In case you like long-range aiming, snipers are the right class.

    Picture 14 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    No matter how you like to play the character, Team Fortress 2 will definitely have the right class for you.

    EVE Online

    The last free game on Steam that TipsMake wants to introduce to you is EVE Online. This is an MMO game with an extremely large space with more than 7000 solar systems.

    Picture 15 of Top 15 free games on Steam gamers should experience

    You will play the role of a space warrior, controlling the battleships in the middle of a large space. This will be a relatively difficult game as well as take a lot of time to experience. However, experiencing great graphics, with many beautiful spaceships and galaxies, this is not a bad experience for any gamer.
