Pocket Build Guide for Beginners

Pocket Build is one of those extremely relaxing games that players can enjoy in sandbox mode, unleash their creativity and keep the challenge level as high or low as they desire. There's no end goal in the game and other than building your own pocket world, and there really aren't many engaging games like Pocket Build.

However, this game is also full of challenges, one of which is how to get food, the main problem that many players face. Beyond that, there are others, with interesting secrets to be discovered in the following Pocket Build tips and strategies guide.

How to get food in Pocket Build

This almost drove players crazy from the moment I started playing. Whether there are all kinds of animals, letting them roam freely or cramming them all together between the fences with all the people, etc., nothing happens. The player still cannot collect any more food.

Currently, the animals are not fully implemented in the game and they are purely decorative.

Picture 1 of Pocket Build Guide for Beginners

However, if you want to increase your food source, gamers will need two things: collect food and farm tools placed on the land. To get farming tools, just tap on the tree icon, then select the Farming option. Any items ordered from there, such as cereals, pumpkins, cabbages, etc. will be harvested by the citizens, increasing everyone's food availability.

How to collect wood in Pocket Build

Picture 2 of Pocket Build Guide for Beginners

With wood, things might get a little easier when placing trees early in the game. And that's all the players have to do: just place a few or more plants and ask people who can reach them.

They will start cutting down trees, returning the wood to everyone. And the plants will immediately grow back, so you don't have to worry about replanting them over and over again.

Different types of citizens

There are different types of people that can be earned for everyone's pocket world, but the truth is that they are not that much different right now. Regardless of which character they choose, they will all do the same thing. In other words, The King must also cut down trees or harvest crops like a Worker.

Picture 3 of Pocket Build Guide for Beginners

For now, the characters are just role-playing, and chances are that future updates will make things a little more specialized. Until then, there is no real difference between the farmer and the king in the Pocket Build game.

However, there is a difference between Goblins (goblins) and Humans (humans). For example, if you put them together, the player will see them start fighting. This adds a bit of variety when it comes to world building, as it allows for the creation of two factions, but this isn't strictly necessary either.
