11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants

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  • Do you wonder why many vegetables are available at menus at restaurants or why there are music in the restaurants and waitresses quickly clean up dirty dishes on the table. The shop owner is not only interested in visiting the store again, but also interested in the food you want to eat.Please join us to consult 11 psychological tips "drain most customers" are applied by restaurants to bypass you in the article below!

    1. Menu for everyone

    Picture 1 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants

    Picture 2 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © maxicam / depositphotos

    Do you wonder why many vegetables are available at every restaurant menu? Simply because vegetables are suitable for most people. A " perfect " menu is a menu of detailed segmentation of all kinds of customers, whether you are a dieter, a vegetarian, a dieter, how sweet or a strict diet can still find a dish. suit for me. In addition, each restaurant's menu has hot items, nutritious dishes, diets and snacks.

    2. Turning on music will stimulate eating more

    Picture 3 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants

    Picture 4 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © lisovskaya / depositphotos

    When you look at the comparison image, you probably won't be startled by the difference in the consumption of food between meals with music and no music . According to researchers, the use of soft and reasonable music will make diners eat more than when the restaurant does not use it. And music also has different levels of food consumption.

    For example, classical music and symphony will make diners eat 10% more than normal . Besides, this type of music also helps people to feel " richer and more luxurious ". Music can also be adapted to specific purposes: classical French music will be appropriate to enjoy the wine and Celtic music suitable for drinking beer.

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    3. Pay 10% more

    Picture 5 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © teamtime / depositphotos

    Most customers will not feel bothered if they pay 7-10% more than planned. That's why sauces and other supplements like cheese, extra dishes and extra food and drinks included in the fast food ration are no higher than 10% for diners to not feel. Feeling hesitant when spending.

    4. Shortened menu

    Picture 6 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants

    Picture 7 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © Marchi / depositphotos © colorlife / depositphotos

    The thick book menu seems to be no longer popular in the trend of modern cuisine, because people think that when flipping through the pages, diners will feel confused and doubtful. Aaron Allen , a restaurant industry expert, says that a complicated menu can have an adverse effect on the original idea, make customers feel dizzy and doubt whether their choice is right or not.

    Because usually many people tend to think that a restaurant cannot cook all the dishes well in the thick menu. That's why a menu book is best shortened, eye-catching on one or several applications.

    5. Positive service attitude

    Picture 8 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © anatoliycherkas / depositphotos

    All restaurant managers know that service attitude plays an important role in the customer experience, especially for luxury restaurants that charge a service fee.

    In addition to the basic principles, starting to chat with customers with questions about health and weather before taking the menu, is also the trick of many famous restaurants in the world. Even feeling satisfied when served can change the quality assessment of food .

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    6. Restaurant class

    Picture 9 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © racorn / depositphotos

    By using high-end brands , heirloom recipes will make the restaurant stand out from other places. Although in fact these dishes are no different from regular dishes, but are attached with beautiful names such as dishes named after the restaurant, named after the chef will make it much higher.

    For example, a cafe with a worker knows that a unique American donut recipe will be different from a coffee shop that only sells regular donuts.And with that brand, customers are also willing to pay a higher price.

    Not only does it stop at a special name, one can mention some of the characteristics of cooking secrets such as a cafe advertising that you have a chef who makes French pastry recipes, or of French recipes . family while other shops simply sell delicious cakes.

    7. The key "big size"

    Picture 10 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © stockyimages / depositphotos

    When ordering drinks at a coffee shop, many waiters will ask you: " Do you use big size? " Instead of asking: " What size do you use? ". Many people who clicked their tongues agreed until they realized the big size " something was wrong " was too late.

    In addition, some people in the profession revealed that, " standard -   The standard "is usually never standard, but even twice as big. While the actual standard size, people will call it" small size "to deceive customers' feelings.

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    7. "Special dish" of the chef

    Picture 11 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © Kzenon / depositphotos © nejron / depositphotos

    The reputation of the chef plays a very important role in the customer's experience. Any dish will become more special if served by the chef itself . Customers will feel that the food is sophisticated, attentive and processed " better " than when served by regular waiters. Getting this mentality has many restaurants for waiters to dress up like cooks to entertain their guests.

    8. Effect of scent

    Picture 12 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © jag_cz / depositphotos © Valentyn_Volkov / depositphotos © wikimedia © wikimedia

    Scent also strongly affects the psychology and taste of people who eat , even if we are very alert to adjust it. Scientists point out that vanilla scent and cinnamon fragrances increase the need to eat desserts, while bacon smells make customers crave more. Gentle lavender scent is often used to make guests feel more relaxed and spend more.

    9. Continuous cleaning of dirty dishes

    Picture 13 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © pressmaster / depositphotos

    The waiter always tries to clear the plate as soon as you finish the meal, as quickly as possible.This is not only for hygiene reasons but also psychologically. Customers tend to think that they eat too much so they will feel full and want to stop.

    In addition, sitting in the middle of the used dishes, you will feel uncomfortable and want to quickly leave. Therefore, the dishes are always replaced so that customers feel they have nothing to eat and call.

    10. Tips with excess money, change

    Picture 14 of 11 psychological tips to 'drain most customers' are being applied by restaurants © Devon / depositphotos

    The waiter can have many tricks to "get rid of " the money back to the customer. For example, they can extend the time to return excess money to customers, when visitors wait long time will often leave; sometimes they pay back too much money or coins; or dirty money bills for customers to avoid.

    Besides, dishes in the menu often have retail prices in 7-8-9 numbers so that you feel that it is not expensive . In addition, when calculating the amount, this excess amount of money will not be accepted by anyone. Some bills are insignificant, but for a restaurant that has a huge amount of bills every day, the change is not small.

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    Having fun!
