How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Are you new to facebook so you don't know how to find friends, how to send friend invitations on facebook? So please refer to the article below to learn how to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook.

Picture 1 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Here shows you how to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook, invite you to follow.

How to find friends on facebook

1. Quick search for friends on the computer

You enter the name of a friend, phone number or email of friends in the search box above the facebook interface and press Enter (or search icon) to search.

Picture 2 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

A list of facebook that matches your search term will be displayed.

Picture 3 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

You can also search for friends by viewing suggestions you may know by selecting the friends icon -> Find friends.

Picture 4 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Here will be the invitation of other people to request you, you drag the slider along the bottom will have the Friends you can know and find the friends you want.

Picture 5 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

2. How to find friends from your mobile phone or email account

On your facebook home page, enter the name of the friend to search in the search box and click search to search for friends.

Picture 6 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Or you can search for friends by selecting the three dash menu icon -> Friends.

Picture 7 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Select Suggestions for facebook to make friends you may know, here you can search for friends.

Picture 8 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

How to send friend requests on Facebook

After finding friends you can add friends by selecting Add friends to send friend requests on facebook.

Picture 9 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Or you can click on the person's name in his or her comment or post to open their profile.

Picture 10 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Then click Add friends to send your friend invitation.

Picture 11 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

On your phone, you can send friend requests by searching for friends and select the add friend icon as shown below to send friend requests.

Picture 12 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Or on the profile of the person you want to make friends with, select Add friends.

Picture 13 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

You can also press the three dash menu icon and choose Friends.

Picture 14 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

Select the suggestion section you can search for the friends you want to make friends and select Add friends to send friend invitations to them.

Picture 15 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

On the Profile page, Add friends button will be below the avatar and the name of the person, if you do not see the Add friends button, this person has hidden this button but does not want others to send friend requests to them, or they let friend's friend mode only accept friend requests from people with whom they have mutual friends.

Picture 16 of How to find friends, how to send friend invitations on Facebook

So, here has shared with you how to find friends, how to send friend requests on facebook. Hopefully, through this article, you can easily find friends and send friend invitations to them. Good luck!
