What's the difference between EPUB and PDF?

Electronic books have forced the electronic publishing industry to always be at the forefront of modern technology. Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook and Sony Reader are affordable digital libraries. In today's electronic publishing world, 2 of the most popular eBook format are EPUB and PDF. Choosing which format to use can be a bit tricky, so today's article looks at both options to find the benefits and drawbacks of each format.



  • Universal format that most devices can open.
  • Powerful graphic tool for editing.
  • Many programs can open and create PDF files.
  • EPUB

  • Specially designed format for eBooks.
  • Advanced format options.
  • Works well with e-reading tools.
  • Based on HTML, makes this format highly adaptable.
  • Let's take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of both EPUB and PDF formats for the electronic publishing environment.

    Pros and cons of the PDF format

    Picture 1 of What's the difference between EPUB and PDF?


  • The most widely used electronic document format worldwide. It is independent of the operating system and hardware of the document viewer, which means the PDFs look the same on every device.
  • Great for customizing, giving you control over layout and fonts. 
  • Made easy, often using GUI-based tools from companies outside of Adobe.
  • Defect

  • The code needed to create a PDF file is complex and, in the software developer's view, difficult to master. Converting PDF files to web-friendly format is also difficult.
  • PDF files are not easily reflowable (the letters can be enlarged, reduced, changed font to fit the screen size of the reader) and do not adapt well to screens and devices of different sizes. . Therefore, it is difficult to see some PDF files on the small screen, which comes with a reader and a smartphone.
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) was created by Adobe Systems in 1993. PDF provides files in a two-dimensional layout, operating independently of most software and operating systems. To view PDF files on your computer, you must have a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat Reader.

    Pros and cons of EPUB format

  • What is EPUB file? How to read EPUB files on phones and computers
  • Picture 2 of What's the difference between EPUB and PDF?


  • When PDF fails to meet the needs of software developers, EPUB appears as a lifeline. EPUB is written in XML and XHTML. This means that EPUB works with most software.
  • Distributed in the form of a ZIP file, the content archive for books in an organized manner. Platforms using XML format can switch to EPUB.
  • The files for an electronic book in EPUB format are adjustable and easy to read on small devices.
  • There are many tools to convert EPUB files into different formats and from other formats into EPUB.
  • Defect

  • There are strict requirements to creating an archive for EPUB, and creating documents requires some knowledge. You must understand the syntax of XML and XHTML 1.1, as well as how to create a stylesheet.
  • When it comes to PDF, users with the right software can create documents without any programming knowledge. However, with EPUB, you need to know the basics of the programming languages ​​involved to create valid files.
  • EPUB is an XML format for books, editable, developed for electronic publishing. EPUB is standardized by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and has become popular with major publishers. Although EPUB is designed for e-books by design, it can also be used for many other types of documents, such as manuals.


    Choosing which format will depend on how you want to use and distribute the document. If you are looking for the most universal format, choose PDF. There are many devices that can open and view PDF files. PDFs are also ideal for the web and sharing documents that you don't want to be modified.

    EPUB is designed exclusively for eBooks. EPUB is great for electronic document readers and can use the text and size control features that these devices provide. EPUB format is also designed to publish more detailed publishing formats, often found in ebooks. If you want a universal eBook format, EPUB is the right choice.
