A series of cult videos, billions of views on YouTube were hacked, renamed and deleted

Despacito song MV over 5 billion singers Luis Fonsi's views on newly grouped YouTube Hacker By Prosox changed its name to "Hacked by prosox & kuroi'sh & shade & akashi it & kiraroot & xepher & senpaiweb & misao ." , the cover photo was replaced by a group of red shirts, masks and guns. Although still appearing in the Top 1 search, we cannot see this MV Despacito. After a few minutes, this video disappeared from the list of videos of LuisFonsiVEVO channel on YouTube.

Picture 1 of A series of cult videos, billions of views on YouTube were hacked, renamed and deleted

Picture 2 of A series of cult videos, billions of views on YouTube were hacked, renamed and deleted
The cover of the MV Despacito was changed by a group of people wearing masks wearing guns.

The hacker group was allegedly infiltrated and renamed a series of popular songs with hundreds of millions of views, such as Fonsi, Maroon 5, Shakira, Selena Gomez, Drake, Naughty Boy . There were about 124 MV hacked. Most of the "demolished" MVs belong to VEVO's network, this major partner of YouTube. It is very likely that VEVO is having problems with account security.

Picture 3 of A series of cult videos, billions of views on YouTube were hacked, renamed and deleted Similar to Despacito, many other popular music videos have been compromised and renamed, even removed.

This incident is shaking the global social network and on Reddit the list of "victims" similar to Despacito is being updated.

VEVO and YouTube have no feedback on this incident yet.

By 19h on April 10 in Vietnam time, the MV Despacito with the MV cover was restored and the view of the more than 5 billion views has reappeared on YouTube.

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