How to draw triangles in Photoshop

In addition to being a professional photo editing software, Photoshop also gives you lots of tools to design and draw whatever you want. For example, to draw a triangle in Photoshop, we have lots of different drawing tools and options. The drawing tools are very simple and you can add colors or create a border for the triangle after drawing. The following article will guide you how to draw triangles in Photoshop.

1. Draw a triangle with the Polygon Tool Photoshop

At the interface on Photoshop we click on the Polygon Tool as shown below.

Picture 1 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

Next we set the strokes as below:

  • Shape: Choose sharp drawing
  • Fill: The color map for the triangle.
  • Stroke: Select the border for the triangle.
  • Sides: Select the side of the triangle, the number of sides is 3.
  • Picture 2 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    Next, hold and click and drag to form a triangle as shown below.

    Picture 3 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    2. How to draw a triangle with a Pen

    We click the Pen Tool to draw the triangle, then proceed to customize the colors and borders for the triangle.

    Picture 4 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    Next, we click in Photoshop to create the first corner score , and then click the other two corners in turn to form a triangle. Finally click again on the first point to form the triangle.

    Picture 5 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    3. Draw a triangle using the Custom Polygon Tool

    First choose the Custom Shape Tool as shown below.

    Picture 6 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    Then look up, select Shape, then click the triangle icon to select the type of drawing you want. We will select the Shape item in the display list to display the drawings.

    Picture 7 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop

    Finally we have the triangle as below.

    Picture 8 of How to draw triangles in Photoshop
