Function fflush () in C

The int fflush function (FILE * stream) in Library C flushes the output buffer of a Stream.

Declare the function fflush () in C

Below is the declaration for fflush () function in C:

 int fflush ( FILE * stream ) 


stream - This is a pointer to a FILE object that identifies a Stream buffered.

Returns the value

This function returns a value of 0 if successful. If there is an error, the EOF is returned and the Error Indicator is set (feof example).

For example

The following C program illustrates the usage of the fflush () function in C:

 #include #include int main () { char buff [ 1024 ]; memset ( buff , '' , sizeof ( buff )); fprintf ( stdout , "Chuan bi buffern" ); setvbuf ( stdout , buff , _IOFBF , 1024 ); fprintf ( stdout , "Hoc C co ban va nang cao tai QTM !!!n" ); fprintf ( stdout , "Ket qua nay se duoc demn" ); fflush ( stdout ); return ( 0 ); } 

Compiling and running the above program will produce the following results. Here, the program still buffers the output into the buff until it encounters the first call to the fflush () function, then it starts buffering output.

According to Tutorialspoint

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Next lesson: Function fgetpos () in C
