'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

In the article below, TipsMake.com will guide you how to turn the photo into a painting, so that it resembles the animated film, or is it Cartoon. For portraits, this is quite interesting, as a result you will have a very lively, attractive and attractive image. The operations in the lesson are done by Adobe Photoshop software.

1. Steps to perform "cartoon" to turn the photo:

First, we will need a portrait photo (of course!) With high resolution. As in this example, I used a picture taken with Lumia 920, size 3552 x 2000:

Picture 1 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

Using the Crop tool, cut off the main part of the image, which is all the portraits, the baby's face, and the rest of the image. Applying additional modes to automatically balance color, contrast . at will to bring a natural look to the photo:

Picture 2 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

  • Ctrl + Shift + L = Auto Tone
  • Ctrl + Shift + B = Auto Color
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L = Auto Contrast
  • See more:

  • Summary of shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop
  • Next, Duplicate that Background . Right-click on the Background Layer and choose Duplicate Layer :

    Picture 3 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    Whatever you do, make sure you Duplicate Layer to avoid mistakenly manipulating the original Layer

    Apply Filter Blur, change Radius and Threshold values ​​depending on the photo:

    Picture 4 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    This will help reduce wrinkles on the image, or say how to smooth the skin, which will be easier in the next steps. Continue, press Ctrl + L to change Contrast = contrast value, how to look like an animated picture:

    Picture 5 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    Change the corresponding value: 26 - 1.3 - 240

    Through some basic steps as above, we have seen the picture has changes in skin, smoothness . but there are still some rough, hard details in it. Continue to redo or change the parameters as above until you feel satisfied, stop, go to the step below. Please Duplicate Layer just apply the Filter (not the original Layer), we will have the next layer as shown below:

    Picture 6 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    On that Duplicate medium, apply Filter> Sketch> Photocopy (for old Adobe Photoshop versions), and for newer versions go to Filter> Filter Gallery> Sketch (for those using GIMP that apply Photoshop filter is in Filters> Artistic> Photocopy ):

    Picture 7 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    If your photo looks strange and unintended, you can change the color mode to black and white by pressing the D button and applying that Filter Sketch again. Check the result:

    Picture 8 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    Temporarily like this, switch the Layer mode on top from Normal to Multiply :

    Picture 9 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    After changing the Layer mode to Multiply, the image will look like this:

    Picture 10 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    It looks good, right? But still not honest, lively, sharp. Select the middle layer, then apply Filter> Artistic> Cutout :

    Picture 11 of 'Transform' a picture into an animated picture or picture using Adobe Photoshop

    Then review the result as well or not. If not, please change the values, Filter parameters in the above steps and continue applying, until you feel OK, stop. So with just a few basic operations, TipsMake.com has guided you how to "turn" photos, portrait photos into drawings, animated with Cartoon effects.

    Good luck!
