10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

Shrimp contains a lot of vitamins A, D, Omega-3 and DHA, the nutritional components are very good for health, helping children develop better physical and brain. Therefore, shrimp is one of the food sources that should be supplemented for babies from weaning stage.

Shrimp porridge for weaning will have different preparation and cooking methods depending on each month of age.

Shrimp dosage for babies according to each month of age

From 6 months to 12 months of age, your baby needs 23-25g of protein per day. Meanwhile, the protein content of shrimp is from 16-18g.

Babies aged 7-12 months can eat 20-30g of fish meat, shrimp cooked with flour or porridge. And should only feed your baby 1 meals / day and 3-4 meals / week.

To ensure adequate quality, nutritional balance for the baby, when cooking shrimp porridge, shrimp powder should cook with vegetables.

Some vegetables can be cooked with shrimp porridge, shrimp powder: carrots, pumpkin, mushrooms, cauliflower, shrimps, amaranth, coriander .

1. Pumpkin shrimp porridge for babies


  • Pumpkin: 200g. Peel, clean and cut small pieces.
  • Fresh shrimp: 200g. Peel, remove the black thread, puree and marinate with the seasoning seeds.
  • Glutinous rice: 1 handful. Wash clean, soak in water.
  • How to cook pumpkin shrimp porridge.

    Put glutinous rice and pumpkin in a pot well cooked. When the porridge is cooked, add the minced shrimp meat, continue to cook until the shrimp is cooked, turn off the heat.

    Picture 1 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    Note: With 6-month-old babies, shrimp after pureing, pumpkins after cooking are required to use sieve to remove residue before cooking dough.

    2. Carrot shrimp porridge


  • 100g shrimp: Peeled, black only, puree and chill with marinade seeds.
  • 5 tablespoons of unrefined rice
  • 2 tablespoons glutinous rice.
  • ½ carrot: Peel, rinse, cut small pieces.
  • How to make carrot shrimp porridge

    Step 1: Wash rice thoroughly, soak in water for blooming.

    Step 2: Rice and carrots into the pot, cooked well.

    Step 3: When the porridge is cooked, cook the shrimp together. When shrimp cooked, turn off the heat. Draw a bowl for your child to enjoy while it's still hot.

    Picture 2 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    Note: If cooking baby snacks for 5 months to 6 months, mothers should steam cooked carrots then puree before cooking with porridge or flour.

    3. Porridge with shrimp and green bean paste


  • Eight fragrant rice.
  • Green beans (chickpeas): 1 spoon.
  • Shrimp: 5 shrimp. Peeled and finely minced spices.
  • Shrimps: 50g. Rinse, shred.
  • Cheese: 1 piece.
  • Cooking oil for children, dry onions, fish sauce.
  • How to cook vegetable porridge with green beans

    Step 1: Green beans and rice are washed, put into a pot to cook like.

    Step 2: Put finely chopped shrimp into non-aromatic oil with onion oil for about 30 seconds.

    Step 3: When the porridge is cooked, add the shrimp, chopped vegetables, cheese and stir well. Continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, then turn off the heat.

    Picture 3 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    Note: If you cook flour for babies 5.5 months - 6 months old to eat weaning, you can puree all, remove residues, just feed your baby water.

    4. Shrimp meat minced shrimp porridge with chicken for 1 year old baby


  • 400g shrimp. Remove the skin, remove the black thread, puree and marinate with a little seasoning seeds.
  • 1 egg. Eggs beat out bowl, beat cotton.
  • 100g of mushrooms. Chopped.
  • 150g minced tenderloin.
  • Glutinous rice and glutinous rice.
  • Dry onions, scallions, and seasoning seeds
  • How to cook minced shrimp meat porridge with chicken eggs

    Step 1: Glutinous rice and clean rice, put in a pot to cook well.

    Step 2: When the porridge is cooked, add shrimp, minced meat, and mushrooms to cook together until well cooked.

    Step 3: Pour the beaten egg into the pot slowly. Just pour and pick the eggs to melt evenly. Continue cooking for 1 minute, then fully cook and turn off the heat.

    Picture 4 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    5. Red amaranth shrimp porridge


  • 30g shrimp: Peeled, leave only black, puree.
  • 10g amaranth: Wash and chop.
  • 50g of rice flour.
  • How to cook red amaranth shrimp soup

    Step 1: Put the shrimp and amaranth in the pot, cook and then turn off the heat. Wait until the mixture cools, and warm, add rice flour and stir. Continue to turn on the heat, bring to a simmer and cook the dough completely. Add a little baby oil, stir and turn off the heat.

    Note: It is recommended to filter the entire pulp if cooking for babies 5, 6 months old. Feed your baby only flour and water made from spinach and shrimp.

    6. Shrimp cheese porridge for babies eating miles 1 year old or older


  • 1 small cup of rice: Wash clean, soak in and then picked out to drain.
  • Broth (simmered from the bones of pigs and chickens).
  • 150g shrimp. Peel off, leave only black. Can mince shrimp or leave whole.
  • 55g broccoli: Wash, cut small pieces.
  • 1 piece of cheese
  • 1/4 onion: Peeled, washed, cut into small pieces.
  • How to cook:

    Step 1: Cauliflower, onion in aromatic sauteed with a little oil.

    Step 2: Fry the shrimp.

    Step 3: Add rice and shrimp to cooked well.

    Step 4: When the porridge is cooked, add broccoli and onion to cook together. Once boiling, add in the cheese and season to taste. Bring the porridge to a boil, then turn off the heat.

    Picture 5 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    7. Porridge mushroom shrimp, kohlrabi


  • 20g shrimp: Remove the skin, mince.
  • 10g mushrooms: Cut into small pieces.
  • 10g kohlrabi: washed, finely chopped.
  • 20g of rice flour.
  • Spice.
  • How to cook shrimp mushroom soup, kohlrabi

    Step 1: Add shrimp, mushrooms, kohlrabi, and water into the pot.

    Step 2: Once the mixture is ready, turn off the heat, stir the rice flour and stir.

    Step 3: Continue cooking until the dough is cooked, turn off the heat.

    8. Prawn with watercress


  • 1 handful of ordinary rice.
  • 100g shrimp. Peeled, discarded black thread, mince and marinate with tiny spices.
  • 80g watercress. Just pick up the cilantro and young leaves, wash them, slice them.
  • How to cook water sprouts shrimp soup

    Step 1: Wash clean rice, then put in the pot to cook.

    Step 2: When the porridge is cooked, add watercress and shrimp. Continue to cook until all is done, turn off the heat.

    Picture 6 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    Note: If cooking porridge for children 5-6 months, should remove the pulp, only feed the baby.

    9. Straw mushroom porridge


  • 400g shrimp: Peeled, minced, marinated.
  • 200g straw mushrooms: Cut the feet, soak in dilute salt water for 15 minutes and then wash, drain.
  • ½ bowl of glutinous rice + ¼ bowl of glutinous rice: Soak to bloom, remove and drain.
  • Spices, onions, and scents
  • How to cook shrimp mushroom porridge

    Step 1: Add the roasted rice until it is dry. For rice to cook into porridge.

    Step 2: Fry the shrimp until they turn red.

    Step 3: When the porridge is cooked, add shrimp and mushrooms to cook for 3-5 minutes. Finally, add the scent, the onions and turn off the heat.

    10. Pork and yam soup


  • 100g shrimp: Peeled, blackened, pureed.
  • 50g yams: peeled, washed, steamed, pureed.
  • 1 purple onion.
  • Rice, broth (chicken or pork bones), spices.
  • How to cook shrimp and yam soup

    Step 1: Wash rice and then cook it into porridge.

    Step 2: Porridge cooked, for yam, shrimp to cook together. When ripe, seasoning medium for baby use, turn off the stove.

    Picture 7 of 10 ways to cook delicious shrimp porridge, nutritious baby food miles

    Note: When cooking porridge for weaning children should use baby spices, baby oil . and seasoning lighter than the taste of adults.
