Pros and Cons of Java

This language allows you to create really powerful applications of any level, from small startups to huge banking systems on Wall Street through which millions of dollars pass. It is a very successful and popular programming language with a lot of experts, a strong community and a huge number of all kinds of libraries and solutions on almost any topic. This language is mature and predictable, which is why so many companies choose it for their projects.

Picture 1 of Pros and Cons of Java

Pros of Java Development Services

As for the advantages of java, they are numerous. You can do almost anything in the language. There are libraries in this language. As for developing mobile applications, there are even separate libraries for developing UI in Java. As for the most cases, this language is perfect variant for the Backend. Nowadays are available java development services by Dataxdev.

Object-Oriented approach

Java has one of the leading positions on the market. In almost every big programming company nowadays there are a lot of opportunities for programmers to develop their skills in this sphere.

Java doesn't take the leading position, but it's still one of the main variants to choose from. There are always a lot of vacancies in Java because it is one of the most popular areas, so in my subjective opinion it will be easier for beginners to look for work here than in less popular areas like Ruby or Go.

Economical to Develop and Maintain

If you choose this direction for yourself, then most likely you will be working on some kind of large application for a large company, it is large companies that most often choose Java. These projects can even be of world renown and for global companies, so that you will have the opportunity to touch the applications with which a huge number of people interact every day.

Also, in large applications, there is often a rather complex logic and large queries in terms of functionality, which means for you that you can cool off in terms of designing various complex solutions that solve rather non-trivial tasks.

There are a lot of advantages in Java, for example:

  • Cool frameworks that provide a huge range of tools for all sorts of tasks
  • A large community that knows the answers to almost all your possible questions.
  • Excellent debugging tools, that is, tools that allow you to find an error in the code
  • Very cool navigation through the code and libraries, where you can look at the code, read the documentation and find everything you need.
  • Prospects - Javists are needed always and everywhere and they are constantly in short supply.
  • Cool projects and complex decisions that contribute to very fast career development.
  • Cons of Java Development Services

    Not Perfect Performance

    One of the disadvantages of java is a poor set of syntactic and tools. It's rather visible for those who is used to program in some more fashionable and modern languages. These can be such languages as ​ Python or JS. As for the Java, in this regard is very far behind the newfangled tools and this is really not enough for java software development.

    High Complexity of Codes

    The second minus directly comes from the first, that if the language does not have the necessary set of syntactic sugar in the language, which allows you to write complex actions as simply as possible, thus speeding up the programmer in writing his logic. In Java, syntactic sugar is quite small, therefore, in general, the writing time will be longer than, for example, in JS or Python. And also some constructions and writing logic will look really more complicated, again for the same reason.

    Bulky, this is a rather conditional minus because, again, tools are evolving, now everything is much better with Java, but still, on Java, the application usually starts longer than on other technologies, takes up more memory and sometimes gives worse so-called developer experience, that is, how convenient it is for you how to program in Java for a developer.
