Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) was a German-American genius scientist, known as the "father" of special relativity and general relativity. In addition to being a great physics genius, Einstein left a shining example of devotion, sacrificing his personal life to devote himself to science and career to fight for peace. Humanity, besides being a simple lifestyle, does not desire status, wealth, power.

Here are 10 immortal life philosophies that Albert Einstein has left for posterity.

1. Keep things simple

Picture 1 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

If you can't explain to a six-year-old, you don't understand it at all.

"Nếu bạn không thể xác định nó để một năm six năm, bạn không biết nó nó."

Trying to make things complicated means that you don't understand the nature of the problem. Remember the great teachers, professors, counselors or anyone you admire who taught you. They explained all the pages of the text to you with the most simple and understandable words. You should also keep this in mind when communicating or training employees: always simplify.

2. Be creative

Picture 2 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

Creativity is contagious, spread it!

"Creativity is contagious, pass it on."

Inspire people to do what they love. Use your creativity to create jobs and joys. It's time for you to give your mind to the ideas and create a domino effect to everyone around you.

3. Be diligent and dare to make mistakes

Picture 3 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

The only way to make sure you avoid making a mistake is to not have a new idea.

"Chỉ có thể xác thực để xoá sạch lỗi này là để có gì mới không."

Mistakes are things that happen every day, every hour with anyone. And what really changes the world, is not a perfect process but new ideas. Therefore, learning to accept mistakes and risking creativity is essential to creating positive change in any organization.

You never fail until you stop trying.

"You never fail until you stop trying."

Einstein devoted his life to studying physical theories and many of them did not produce any results. We cannot be sure of the outcome of everything but perseverance is the key. All we can do is work hard on the goal. Failure only exists when you stop right there without trying to move on to success.

4. Live for today

Picture 4 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

I never thought about the future. It will come quickly.

"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."

You can only be sure of what is going on in the present. You have the right to worry about the future and build a plan, but almost everything will not happen as you expected. The most important issue is to live hard today, do everything best in your ability and will not have to worry about what happens in the future.

5. Think differently

Picture 5 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

I have never discovered anything by rational thinking.

"I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking."

The best things come always from thinking "out of the box" and doing unusual things. People are often uncomfortable with people who think differently, but that's also the reason why only a few people are outstanding. When you have a problem, try to think in a different direction, maybe you will get an answer.

6. Promote imagination

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Imagination is the supreme form of research.

"Imagination is the highest form of research."

Picture 7 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

"I have the ability to draw freely like a painter just because of my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination embraces the world."

After imagining something else, you start sharing it with everyone. After that, people will be able to see the world you imagine and they will link, support you. Take the time to dream, imagine and remember to share your ideas with those around you.

7. Do the impossible

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Only those who try their best can achieve impossible things.

"Only those who can achieve the impossible."

Only when you are ready to face difficulties will you come closer to the impossible. "The impossible" is just a relative concept. You will be surprised to dare to overcome the reasonable things that people still think.

8. Respect everyone

From everyday life, we know that living - first of all for those around us, for those who always smile and make us happy.

"We know from daily life that we exist for first people of all, for có thể làm việc làm việc thực hiện phụ thuộc vào."

Picture 9 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

Life will not be worth living, unless we live for others.

"Life isn't worth living, unless it is lived for someone else."

Please take care of everyone first. Spend at least a few minutes a day focusing on connecting, chatting with others. Let them know that you value them. Thanks and give them the compliments they deserve. This not only helps their mood better but also your mood.

9. Always ready to learn

Picture 10 of Albert Einstein's physics genius and 10 profound lessons about life

Learning is experience. Other things are just information.

"Learning is experience. Everything else is just information."

Learning is a journey rather than being immersed in all the information. "Dive for treasure" and keep in mind that there are only a few things that are useful for you, others don't. Learning is not something that can be suitable for everyone, find your own way.

10. Do the right things

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Always do the right thing. This will please some people and surprise the rest.

"Always by what's right; this will gratify some and astonish the rest."

When you stand in the middle of a crossroads, choose the right thing to do. Other options may be easier to implement or give you more money. But if you think the other option, though difficult, will give you more opportunities in the future, or simply that is the right thing to do, then select it.

Sometimes rough bumpy roads will outperform the many trails that have gone. Take the time to monitor the values ​​achieved and do the right things to help you excel in the crowd.
