How to Program in C++ and Batch

C++ is a mid-level programming language—it easy to write and it runs very quickly. As a result, it is widely used to develop games, business apps, and software, such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Office Suite.

Method 1 of 4:

Getting Started with C++

  • Picture 1 of How to Program in C++ and Batch

    Introduce yourself to C++ language. C++ is related to C programming language. Unlike its predecessor, C++ is an object-oriented programming language. The object is the primary unit of this language—every object has specific properties, functions, and methods.[2]

  • Picture 2 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Download and install a compiler. In order to create viable programs with C++, you will need to download and install a compiler. Compilers transform your code into operational programs. There are free compilers available for Windows, Mac, and Linux users.
  • Windows: Code::Blocks
  • Mac: Xcode
  • Linux: g++.
  • Picture 3 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Find useful introductory resources and tutorials. Learning C++ is equivalent to learning a foreign language. Books, courses, and tutorials will help you establish a foundational understanding of this programming language. You will find a variety of free and purchasable resources online.
  • Consult a comprehensive list of books and guides.[3]
  • Enroll in a C++ programming course. You may find courses at your local college, library, adult education center, and/or online. You could even join a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
  • Complete a step-by-step tutorial. You can work your way through free tutorials or subscribe to a tutorial service, like Khan Academy or Lynda.[4]
  • Method 3 of 4:

    Exploring Batch Files

  • Picture 11 of How to Program in C++ and Batch

    Understand batch files. Batch files are exclusive to Windows—the Mac counterpart is a bash file. Batch files contain a one or more commands that are executed in sequence by a command line interpreter. These files are used to simplify basic and/or repetitive jobs such as opening multiple programs, deleting files, and backing up files.[8] You may incorporate batch files into your C++ programs.[9]

  • Picture 12 of How to Program in C++ and Batch

    Create a batch file. Batch files are simple text files. You may create your batch files with Window's text editor, Notepad.exe. Click Start and type 'notepad' into the search bar, and select 'Notepad' from the results.[10]

  • Picture 13 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Save the file. Click File > Save. Rename your file 'HelloWorld.cmd.' Change the 'Save as type' to 'All Files (*,*).'
  • If you are using a modern version of Windows, use the extension .cmd. If you are using an older system, use the extension .bat.[11]
  • Picture 14 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Code a 'Hello world' batch file. In the text editor, enter in the following lines of code:[12]
    @echo Hello world. @pause 
  • Picture 15 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Understand '@echo.' In batch, commands are echoed, or displayed, on the output screen by default. When a program runs, you will see the command and its output. Preceding this command with an "@" turns off echoing for a specific line. When the program runs, you will only see "Hello world."[13]
  • You can turn of all echoing with the command '@echo OFF.' If you use this command, you can rewrite the program as:
    @echo Off echo Hello world. pause 
  • Picture 16 of How to Program in C++ and Batch

    Understand '@pause.' This command tells the command line processor to pause until the user presses a key on the keyboard.[14]

  • Picture 17 of How to Program in C++ and Batch

    Run your batch file. The fastest way to run your batch file is to simply double-click on the file. When you double-click on the file, the batch file is sent to the DOS command line processor. A new window will open and your batch file will close. Once the user presses a key to continue, the program will end and the window will close.[15]

  • Method 4 of 4:

    Applying Your New Knowledge

  • Picture 18 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Incorporate functions into your code. A function is a group of statements, or instructions, that perform a specific task. Each function is assigned a type, a name, parameter(s), and statements. You will use the C++ function 'system' to run a batch file. To explore functions, try coding this program:
    // function example #include iostream> Using namespace std; int addition (int a, int b) { int r; r=a+b return r; } int main ( ) { int z; z = addition (5,3); cout  'The result is '  z; } 
  • This program contains two functions: ''addition'' and ''main''. The compiler will always call '''main'' first—in this program it will call the variable 'z' of type 'int''. The call will pass along two values, 5 and 3, to the ''addition'' function. These values correspond to the parameters declared by the 'addition' function—'int a, int b'.
  • Inside the 'addition' function, there is a third variable: '(int r)', that is directly related to the expression r=a+b. The two values from the 'main' function, 5 and 3, will be added together to equal 'r.' In this instance, r equals 8.
  • The final statement, 'return r;' ends the 'addition' function and returns control to the 'main' function. Since 'return' has a variable, 'r,' the call to return to 'main' is evaluated as a specific value and sends this variable to the 'main' function.
  • The 'main' function resumes where it left off when it was called to 'addition': 'cout [16]
  • Picture 19 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Experiment with flow control statements. Statements are individual instructions that are always executed in sequential order. C++ programs, however, are not limited to linear sequences. You may incorporate flow control statements to alter the path of your program. The 'while loop' statement is a common flow control statement—it tells the program to execute a statement a specific number of times or while the condition is fulfilled.
    // custom countdown using while #include iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int n = 10; while (n>0) { cout  n  ", "; --n; } cout  "liftoff!n"; } 
  • 'int n= 10': This line of code sets the variable 'n' to 10. 10 is the first number in the countdown.
  • 'while (n>0)': The loop will continue as long as the value of 'n' is greater than 0.
  • If the condition is true, the program executes the the following code: 'cout
  • 'cout [17]
  • Picture 20 of How to Program in C++ and Batch Run a batch file with C++. When you run a batch file with your C++ program, you will use the 'system ( )' function. The 'system' function tells the command line processor to execute a command. Enter the batch file's name within the parentheses of the 'system ( )' function.[18]
  • Kareem Winters Kareem Winters

    Update 05 March 2020
