Yes, as you know, Facebook's Live Stream Video feature has just become a trend immediately, changing the way users experience Facebook. But there is one sad point that this live video playback feature is currently not available on some older Android and iOS devices (like Chinese Android phones like XiaoMi, Oppo, Huewei, even LG, SamSung), while Windows Phone fans probably still have to wait for a long, long time. And many of you have pm, inbox for me and ask:
In the article below, I'll show you more about this issue!
How to live stream videos on Facebook:
On the website QuanTriMang has some specific instructions on how to do this, please refer here:
Video demo:
How to set up a webcam to make video stream more efficient and attractive:
On the Open BroadCaster setup screen , select Add> Video Capture Device in the Sources section as shown below:
Open BroadCaster will identify all webcam devices on your computer, as for example here I am using an Acer laptop, the program will accept it as HD Webcam, you can easily see on the screen. next:
With the main question you need to answer today, look closely at the Video section below.
Video setting webcam location when streaming live on Facebook:
QuanTriMangTest to change the location of the webcam with Open BroadCaster when streaming #translate #livestreamfacebook
Posted by July 21, 2016Good luck!