How to Zoom out on a Mac

Apple computers have a zoom feature enabled in their operating system, so you can zoom no matter what program you are using. You can choose to zoom out on your browser, or to zoom your entire Mac screen. Follow these instructions to zoom...

Method 1 of 4:

Mac Zoom Preferences

  • Picture 1 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Select the Apple icon in the top left hand corner.

  • Picture 2 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Choose "System Preferences" in the drop down box.

  • Picture 3 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Navigate to "System" and choose "Universal Access." These are the features that are designed to enhance the display, the sound or other features for those that are impaired or need better access.

  • Picture 4 of How to Zoom out on a Mac Choose the "Seeing" tab. View the center section that has "Zoom" options. If Zoom is turned off, click the button to turn it on.
  • View the short cuts to zoom out, by pressing the "Command," "Option" and minus sign buttons at once. You can zoom in by pressing Command, option and equals (plus) signs simultaneously.
  • Learn the zoom short cut to turn the function on and off without going into Universal Access. You can press option, Command and number 8 while you are on the desktop to control this function. If your zoom function isn't working, your zoom is most likely turned off.
  • Method 2 of 4:

    Zoom with Mouse

  • Picture 5 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Plug in a mouse with a wheel to your Mac computer.

  • Picture 6 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Press the "Control" button.

  • Picture 7 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Roll the mouse wheel up to zoom in while pressing Control. Roll the mouse wheel down to zoom out while pressing Control.

  • Method 3 of 4:

    Zoom with a Track Pad

  • Picture 8 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Hold down the Control key.

  • Picture 9 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Take 2 fingers and swipe upward on the track pad simultaneously to zoom in.

  • Picture 10 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Take 2 fingers, press the Control key and swipe down on the track pad to zoom out.

  • Method 4 of 4:

    Zoom on a Browser

  • Picture 11 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Open your Internet browser program on your Mac.

  • Picture 12 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Navigate to the page you want to view.

  • Picture 13 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Hold down the Command key.

  • Picture 14 of How to Zoom out on a Mac

    Press the plus sign to zoom in. The browser will zoom incrementally the more times you press the plus sign.

  • Picture 15 of How to Zoom out on a Mac Press the minus sign while you hold the Command key to zoom out. Press the minus sign repeatedly to keep zooming out.
  • The browser method does not zoom other programs outside of your browser. It is simply to view web pages differently.
  • Although the main browser programs, like Safari, Google Chrome and Firefox use this system of short cuts to zoom, other browsers may not react in the same way.
  • Isabella Humphrey Isabella Humphrey

    Update 04 March 2020
