What major silocon valley tycoons study in the university?

For students who choose a college or university that matches their expertise, it is the deciding factor that will help you change your future later. The tech CEOs in Silicon Valley are no exception, these people are not only passionate about and pursuing technology, they also have a lot of rich qualifications that make you admire them. Let's see, when we went to school the bosses learned something.

Reed Hastings - Netflix CEO

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Netflix CEO used to study at Bowdoin University, majoring in Mathematics and Stanford, majoring in Computer Science. However, he postponed his studies for a year to continue earning money by selling vacuum cleaners. While at Bowdoin, he ran the Outing Club, specializing in mountain climbing and canoeing.

Jack Ma - Chairman of Alibaba

Alibaba's owner studied at Hangzhou University, majoring in English and studied a Master of Business Administration at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business. He took the exam four times before being accepted to school to study English.

Susan Wojcicki - YouTube CEO

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Susan Wojcicki is probably the rare woman ever included in the list of key members "L" by Larry Page, the founder of Google. This powerful "female general" has studied at prestigious universities such as Harvard, UC Santa Cruz, ULCA Anderson School of Business. At each school she studied a specialization from History, Literature to Economics, Master of Business Administration.

James Park - CEO FitBit

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Harvard is the ideal school that most technology CEOs have ever attended. James Park - CEO FitBit is no exception, he has studied Computer Science at this prestigious school.

Travis Kalanick - Uber CEO

The most controversial Travis Kalanick CEO in Uber used to study computing at the University of California in Los Angeles. However, Kalanick left his studies to focus on developing a Scour search engine, with classmates Michael Todd and Vince Busam.

Meg Whitman - CEO HP Enterprise

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After graduating from Princeton University and Harvard, the major in Economics and the Master of Business Administration Whitman held several senior positions at a number of well-known companies.

Accordingly, after receiving an MBA at Harvard in 1979, Withman started his career as a brand manager at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1989, Whitman became vice president of strategic planning at Walt Disney Company. Two years later, she joined Rite Corporation Stride, before becoming President and CEO of Transworld Delivery in 1995.

Satya Nadella - Microsoft CEO

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Mr. Nadella studied at Manipal Technology Institute, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and the Chicago Booth School of Business. Microsoft CEO holds a degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and a Master of Business Administration.

Although he initially wanted to be a professional cricket player, Mr. Nadella soon realized that it was better to pursue a passion for science and technology. He received his Electrical Engineering degree because he knew he wanted to build something but moved to the US to study because he wanted a school with a computer science program.

Elon Musk - Tesla CEO and SpaceX

Physics and Economics are the specialties that Tesla's CEO and SpaceX attended at Pennsylvania's College of Arts and Sciences & Wharton School of Business before coming to technology.

While still in school, to earn extra income, Elon Musk rented a 12-bedroom house and turned it into a nightclub, sometimes picking up to 500 guests per night.

Evan Spiegel - CEO Snapchat

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Luckier than many other CEOs, Evan Spiegel was born into an upper class family, his parents were lawyers, Evan enjoyed life in silk velvet from him. After graduating from high school, he headed straight to the prestigious Stanford University to major in product design. But with his rebellious personality, Evan did not sit still until he graduated, he gave up his studies to focus on his whole child, Snapchat.

Bill Gates - Microsoft founder

Referring to Bill Gates, we will immediately remember a talented billionaire who skipped school to make a career. While studying at Harvard, he had never attended a proper major, but spent most of his time playing naughty computers. In a question and answer session on the Reddit forum, Bill Gates admitted that he did not attend classes but appeared in classes he did not register.

Tim Cook - Apple CEO

Tim Cook of "apple flaw" also offers his prestigious degrees such as Industrial Engineering, Master of Business Administration. Auburn University, Duke University's Fuqua School of Business is the school that forged the bright jewel for technology village today.

Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook CEO

Many of us when referring to Bill Gates often think of a successful dropout and autonomy genius. But now, not only Bill Gates but also Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard to set up a career. In the past, while studying in his major, he was Psychology and Computer Science.

Larry Page - Google CEO

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Larry Page studied at the University of Michigan, Stanford University, majoring in Computer Engineering and Computer Science. After graduation, he continued to study for a PhD at Stanford. This is where he met his friend Sergey Brin with the same technology interest and founded Google.

Sergey Brin - Chairman of Alphabet

Unlike many other CEOs who have studied many different subjects before coming to technology. When Sergey Brin went to college, he decided to study Computer Science at the University of Maryland.

Sundar Pichai - Google CEO

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After studying at Kharagpur Institute of Technology, India. Thanks to my hard work and hard work Sundar Pichai received a scholarship and went on to study at Stanford University and Wharton University in the United States. Google CEO holds a degree in Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering.

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